
JK Rowling, Terf author famous for writing about underage children, thinks LOLITA is a "Tragic love story" Not only is she a hateful bitch, she's a STUPID, hateful bitch.
I hate that we can still reliably use "did this reader get bamboozled by the fictional narcissistic liar and child abuser Humbert Humbert?" to spot the most foolish people alive because they will just fucking admit it
Everyone always talks about how cute it is she names characters what they are like lupin or Sirius but maybe she did it because she thinks people won't get it of she isn't glaringly obvious her
Some authors who are otherwise Quite Good will go this. John Connolly has a weakness for Meaningful Names. but he's an actual good writer. Rowling is...not.
Yeah I don't really see an inherent problem with any kind of goofy or sneakily meaningful names in books for kids. Kids like that shit and think it's fun and it encourages them to use dictionaries and encyclopedias to look stuff up. The problem is that Rowling is an asshole.
that said, Connolly also does this in his adult books, albeit a -bit- more subtly. uncanny creepy lawyer called "Eldritch" and such. his kids' books do it more so though and are a joy. (literally, the hero is called Samuel Johnson)