
JK Rowling, Terf author famous for writing about underage children, thinks LOLITA is a "Tragic love story" Not only is she a hateful bitch, she's a STUPID, hateful bitch.
Like the whole point of the beautiful writing is to try and make this disgusting relationship seem beautiful from the pov of a very untrustworthy narrator who waxes endlessly over the physical appearance of a fucking 12 year old while being annoyed by her personality at every turn Jk you moron.
TERFs and their ilk generally have a long track record of proving that they don’t understand anything they see, so it’s not super surprising, but it IS totally wild.
Just speaking with her whole ass. She wants to defend woman and woman's spaces but can't even recognize a dangerous pedophilic relationship because the prose is purple as a cold tit.
And will with the same breath call trans folks groomers I’m sure I hate so much that the only explanation I have is “the other side is very stupid” but that is all I got.
I never wanna be down on other people's loves and fandoms but God please we need to stop giving her money the idiot spoke out against David Tennant for supporting his non-binary kid! ACTUAL CINNAMON ROLL AND BRITISH TREASURE DR. DEMON WHO
Everyone is progressive and woke af until they need to step away from something they like. Once they’re actually challenged there will always be a reason it’s okay that they still consume it. It’s fine. I’m not doing that much damage on my own.
I still see people talking about playing that dreadful hogwarts legacy game. Queer people. She was a known quantity then. What are you doing???
"the prose is purple as a cold tit" oh, this is good
Plus it's not hard to grasp there's two narratives & one is a facade. The story is full of doubles. There's a forward by a fictional doctor that makes Humbert's crimes more explicit while also having the doctor kind of buy Humbert's facade despite knowing better, a hint on how to read the story.
The author hasn't made a secret that Humbert is detestable and can be extremely manipulative
She's a rotten human. Nasty and withered to the core.
Every day i live with the regret of how much time/money i spent on HP. I know i was young and dumb but it still sucks and i didn't know what kind of person she was back then.
You should NOT feel bad. Nobody should. It's hard to come to terms with shit behavior from artist or author and I there's lots of art k love despite their shitty creators but jk is doing active harm and recognizing that is important
Yes, my (trans) wife & i were just talking this morning about it & i said, even if she ever changes her mind or doesn't give a crap anymore, she will keep doubling down bc she gets publicity/attention/stays "relevant" which is idiotic bc she could just live the rest of her life quietly off HP money.
Every accusation is projection with these people.
Nabokov himself declared that the whole book was about the morbid one way obsession of an horrible man, that wasted a child's life and in the end lead him too to death. It would be like saying Kafka's metamorphosis it's "a moving book about the antics of a cute insect hero"
Great point, but now I want to read The Adventures of the Adorable Mr Samsa
Pretty Gregor got an apple from his dad this morning, wanna share it with him? 🍎
YES - turn to p.22 You eat half the apple and pass the remainder to Gregor. His tiny feet can't hold it so well. Awwwww. How cute! Wanna hold the apple so Gregor can eat his half? YES - turn to p.72 NO - turn to p.11
I remember this being very gentle, but it has been several decades. Shoebag the cockroach wakes up to discover he has become a human boy (and he wants to transform back).
Shoebag: James, Mary: 9780590430302: Shoebag [James, Mary] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Shoebag
(I know you were mostly kidding, but it was too much of a "yep, that kind of exists" to pass up.)
I really wasn't kidding, and I'm going to look this out. Thank you!
Right! Even Humbert recognizes at the end that he had robbed her of her childhood.
"Lolita Podcast" is a ten episode deep dive into every echo and aspect of this book, its societal impact at the time it came out, the author's horror and amusement at people who misunderstood it, and the self report it has become.
Lolita Listen to Lolita Podcast on Spotify. Who is Lolita? The Nabokov literary classic has sparked infinite discussion in the 65 years since its release, but the cultural memory the book has left behind liv...
I'll have to listen to it! I read Lolita in high school and once in college. It always really disturbed me how she was treated like an object and those who don't see it baffle me. Especially someone who is a WRITER.
Legit. H.H. might be the only literary character I've felt genuine rage for.
"It's so beautiful and romantic!" The first line of the book: "This man is a pathological liar and is in prison for confessing to horrific crimes and cannot be trusted. Sincerely, the certified medical psychologist who examined him."
Did she skip the intro and go straight to the “light of my life, fire of my loins” bit?
I'm realizing that I just can't really explain people who have a knee-jerk emotional response to something and never examine it. So like. Yes, I guess so????? Also this is not a 'mysterious' Lynch-style situation where the author never explains their intent. Why not take in what Nobokov SAID?
Nabokov said he wanted the ugliest name possible for him.
Just hopping in to agree that this podcast is really very good.
I hate that we can still reliably use "did this reader get bamboozled by the fictional narcissistic liar and child abuser Humbert Humbert?" to spot the most foolish people alive because they will just fucking admit it
Everyone always talks about how cute it is she names characters what they are like lupin or Sirius but maybe she did it because she thinks people won't get it of she isn't glaringly obvious her
Because her books are for children, I usually write the naming thing off as a "goofy shit kids enjoy" thing because that seems like the most obvious option, but I have not ruled out the possibility that she's just fucking stupid.
I used to think it was for funnsies but this is making me big doubt
Around the time her detective novels has a plot beat where someone has a conversation in disguise as that person's close friend I realized she's probably just stupid.
Some authors who are otherwise Quite Good will go this. John Connolly has a weakness for Meaningful Names. but he's an actual good writer. Rowling is...not.
Yeah I don't really see an inherent problem with any kind of goofy or sneakily meaningful names in books for kids. Kids like that shit and think it's fun and it encourages them to use dictionaries and encyclopedias to look stuff up. The problem is that Rowling is an asshole.
that said, Connolly also does this in his adult books, albeit a -bit- more subtly. uncanny creepy lawyer called "Eldritch" and such. his kids' books do it more so though and are a joy. (literally, the hero is called Samuel Johnson)
well I suppose at least now we know precisely what she's thinking about when she says "think of the children" not that anyone should be thinking of children that way.
I like how she's so blinded by pretty words she missed all the deeper meaning it sums up everything in her dumb little world.
Ugh. Not surprising (her leering and xenophobic description of a Polish woman in her adult work is a “she boobed boobily” for the ages) but it’s not for nothing that I strongly judge people by their response to Lolita. You simply cannot discuss it without telling people a lot about yourself.
so, I haven't paid much attention to Joanne's post HP literary career (side gig to her transphobic full time job). Am I to understand she writes a male POV dick detective series with a male gaze under a male pen name?