
Listen, say what you will about whether you think Biden should drop out, but this cover is some journalists using the opportunity to try to normalize some pretty fucked up stuff they believed already.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
As an ancient with physical problems it is alarming to me how one bad debate has led to this discussion where normal aging processes are now treated as disqualifications.
And at the same time, being a convicted felon/rapist/traitor/lying sack of s#@t is treated by the MSM as being no big deal in a Presidential candidate.
Yes, that's the other side of it. There is so much dirt there on the other guy and we are still learning new shit every day. How does it make sense?
They're on the take. Their corporate overlords are letting their greed run the narrative. Fools don't realize that their profits will be worthless under a 2nd term Orange Shitgibbon because they're too busy being a bunch of "OMG PICK ME PICK ME!" Jagoffs.
in order to secure the bag of playing the same role all those companies played in Europe in the 30's and 40's.
So right. I've always said that the false sense of security and impermeability to harm that people often develop around tyrants is one of the greatest human flaws. Everyone thinks they are special.
^This. Remember Moonves' comment in 2016 about how Trump "was bad for America, but he's great for business, the money's rolling in"? How did business do during the COVID pandemic that was made worse in the US because of Trump's s#@tty response to it?