Lynne Jensen Lampe

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Lynne Jensen Lampe

Poet. Editor. Late bloomer. Reader at Tinderbox. Recent: Many Nice Donkeys, Rise Up Review, Stone Circle Review, The Inflectionist Review. Talk Smack to a Hurricane (Ice Floe Press, 2022).
tfw you have a poem in print alongside work by Marge Piercy, Ellen June Wright and other amazing writers. I can’t stop writing about my mama. In LIPS poetry journal, avail frm #WritingCommunity #Poetry #MentalHealth #NoStigma
Worth doing! I have a Patreon in mind…
Feeling despair at the world and something that no bullshit made me feel a little better was giving ten bucks to support someone’s work on Patreon. Not that it’s a big deal but being able to go “oh I like this, I want more of this in the world” made me feel like I had .00000001% control of things.
Hey y’all, what’s the difference between trope and cliché? I’m reviewing a novel in a genre I don’t usually read and am trying to discern quality vs personal taste. Thx! #writingcommunity #writer #prose #booksellers
My poem Whale Foam, Sea Honey on today’s blog first appeared in and came from an April Gibson prompt: What can you do in the belly of a whale? ty Sundress for thee feature—and to all readers. #mentalhealth #poetry #writing
Woop! This week the blog is featuring my debut Talk Smack to a Hurricane—something new every day! I’m thrilled and grateful. Today is “Chiaroscuro.” One person told me that poem helps them get out of bed and face life. #mentalhealth
The Sundress (a publishing collective supplement)
Oops. I forgot this writing thing could be fun. Thanks for the reminder, ❤️❤️❤️
Please support this edition. You can see they are handmade, and they are textural. There are poems inside, Sheila Black’s poems. It’s a labor intensive effort to make these. Each copy is numbered. The edition is limited to 35.
Y’all, the latest vispo on is 🔥 Check out “You’ve Bored Me for the Last Time” by Nico Vassilakis #writing #vispo #poetry
Did this poem get picked for publication at a great magazine?? Yes, yes it did.
Did I write a bizarre poem about Bradley Cooper's fake Jewish nose inviting people to Sunday brunch at a deli...yes, yes I did...
A post on another app reminded me of a maxim from journalism school graphics class: When in doubt, choose Caslon. What teacher/mentor phrases like that are stuck in your head? #amwriting #poets #writingcommunity
Here is the updated list of available Poet Baseball Cards. If you’d like to order some sets to have on hand for AWP to collect autographs, let me know ASAP, and I can fill orders quickly.
I’m grateful for this writing life & ppl seeing me as a poet & being in community w/writers! All a lifelong dream. Young Lynne wd be amazed! Now an insightful review of my debut by Alicia Elkort, whose own WOW! debut is also reviewed in this Tinderbox Poetry issue
Welp, yesterday I spent 8+ hours cleaning my office. I reorganized bookshelves, traded dog-pee carpet I still loved for a clean rug, moved furniture, etc. Here’s the before and after!
My office is a wreck and I am having trouble getting motivated to straighten it up. Accountability? Consider this the before pic 😉
We received 499 submissions for issue one, which was awesome! However, the number of submissions means we are running late with our responses due to Crab Tales being voluntarily run by one person who also gets bouts of fatigue and has a day job.
What do y’all think—should I move my blog from my website to Substack? Especially interested to hear from those who’ve done that 😉 #Poetry #WritingCommunity #Writers
Your reaction has made writing the review beyond worth it <3 It really is a wonderful collection of poems. The erasure poems are especially fantastic.
Y’all, it’s been a hard week and then today good news— published an amazing review of my poetry collection. thank you for reading so deeply! Knowing you felt the heart of it all just about made me cry.
Talk Smack to a Hurricane by Lynne Jensen Lampe – MER – Mom Egg
This blog post by @mordecaipmartin makes so much sense to my heart—cogent, paced well, beautiful expression of love, caring, and justice.
Does anyone know who or what organization decided to name champagne-bottle sizes after Biblical kings and conquerors? Info is for a poem. I’ve searched online and can’t find the answer
“Have you split the husk of your own pitiful life open for your child” omg, this poem by Adrie Rose made me gasp. Part of a group that won top prize in Radar Poetry’s contest.
We Have Some Questions About Your Difficult Child —
You know we're in a weird place when you can simply post that innocent people should never ever be murdered and you're not entirely sure if you're taking a controversial position or not.
I just. I need non Jews to understand that even their antiZionist Jewish friends probably knows someone who lost a loved one or lost a loved one themselves and they are experiencing the most dogshit pile of conflicting emotions and grief and rage imaginable right now
This is the longer version of the thing I was trying to say, which still is by no means everything I have to say in any direction. Do not try to infer or assume based on what I haven't said.You can ask me questions if you'd like to know. I will answer if I have the energy and am in the mood.
a lot of things are the refusal to grasp this is a non-trivial amount of the problem
“In this way, Jewish grief is routed back into the violence of a merciless system of Palestinian subjugation that reigns from the river to the sea.”
“We Cannot Cross Until We Carry Each Other” The editor-in-chief of Jewish Currents on recommitting to our movements in this moment.
A appreciation thread. Back when I was a poetry co-editor for Barren Magazine, I fell in love w/ an anonymously submitted ekphrastic poem called "The Ray." Once I found out it was by poet Jared Beloff, I devoured every poem of his I could find...
Barren Magazine - Issue 22 - Glass after Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin Chardin pulls our eyes to its translucent skin announcing its wound, pink and gap