
If you have a moment, let's look at two months since I hired myself to work for democracy. It's a challenge but a satisfying one. Couldn't deal with myself if I didn't try. We're just 10 away from 300 earlyworm society. I hope you'll join us -- free or paid, your support matters.
Get more from the earlyworm society on Saving democracy with @LOLGOP and Nick.
The goal of earlyworm is to make democracy a daily thing. We combine what you need to know with satisfying ways to help save democracy The plan is build a society of at least 2,024 true fans of democracy before the election.
We’re looking for 2024 true fans of democracy | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
The only sort of advertising we're doing besides *waves hands at self* is a podcast "How are you feeling about democracy?" that is all about combining our personal relationship with democracy with what need to know to save it. The guests have been fantastic. I hope the production is catching up.
How are you feeling? | Collection from the earlyworm society | 6 posts | Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
Meanwhile, we've also launched Project 2024 to help make sure everyone knows what sort of damage Project 2025 would do to their families and America.
And as a contributor to and's essential FrameLab newsletter, I got to unpack why the right feels so exposed by Alabama's ban on IVF, which basically still exists, because it exposes their worldview for all to both mock and fear.
IVF ban exposes GOP No limit to Republican attacks on reproductive freedom in 2024
That's about it. You're invited to come along and give me any thoughts and ideas you have. I'm not sure if I'm overwhelming people with this or people who might care are missing it. Have to assume both. Just want to say thanks for any support and much respect to all doing what they can.
Get more from the earlyworm society on Saving democracy with @LOLGOP and Nick.
Oh yeah! We're also focused on flipping Arizona, which would only take one pickup in both houses, because it's so key to 2024 & the Republicans there appear to be eating brains. We're almost 10% of the way to our goal of raising $2,024 & we hope to multiply that goal by 10 if we can figure out how.
Make Arizona the Next Michigan (and Keep Michigan Michigan) | The States Learn more about Make Arizona the Next Michigan (and Keep Michigan Michigan) such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time on …
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I love what you’re doing! Thank you!!!
thanks. good to hear! appreciate you.