
Entirely the result of electing Obama in 2008 and Biden in 2020.
Wind and solar are ‘fastest-growing electricity sources in history’ | Read here:
*whispers* sorry to nitpick but this is a global chart and so “entirely” cannot be the case
I was looking for the words that you found. Jeremy Wallace just posted this, which shows China making big gains. But I wouldn't trade our democracy for the speed of an authoritarian government.
The main thing I want is to be able to shove China’s solar numbers in the face of everyone who says “but what about China?” as an excuse not to do anything.
Remember that time the Soviets put a man in orbit, and the US was so freaked out by it that we mobilized the power of our free society and landed someone on the moon just eight years later?
I'm not sure what you are asking? My first sentence means: she said what I wanted to say, but better.
I was mocking the delusion that you have a democracy in the US.
We get to choose which candidate gets in office. Of course the rich people get to pick who the candidates are first. As Will Rogers (in 1930's or 1940's) said: We have the best Congress that money can buy.