
The thing is that neither Facebook nor Instagram show me my friends, but rather show me organizations, advertisements, influencer videos, more ads, oh look there's a friend!!!, another organization, a spam request, someone sharing hate speech, more ads... why would threads be different?
Meta has categorically demonstrated its interest only in for-pay broadcast (although Facebook's groups remain excellent models of walled garden social media) with minimal cross-network community building in open settings.
I did think they might, as Facebook did 15 years ago, release a product with the illusion of control before they enshittified it, but apparently not.
i'm relieved to hear they didn't bother with the first step
Not only that but their pivot from photos to reels on Instagram really did a whole social network of creators dirty. Can’t trust them. They will end you in a second for their quarterly report.
There is a way to view instagram chronologically and mostly just people you follow (click Instagram logo, select following)