
For all the doom and gloom about Biden, I drove through, like, thirty different jersey shore suburbs yesterday to visit family for the fourth and didn't see a single trump lawn sign, which is a portent.
In 2021, even, most of these small towns had some place that was completely papered with unhinged trump shit, now none of them do.
I'm in a 65% Trump precinct and there are definitely fewer signs here. People are just tired of talking about him. Same for Joe Kent signs compared to this time in 2022.
I drove to Tulsa in January and didn’t see a single Trump billboard or pickup truck flag array. I didn’t even see an abortion billboard until I was halfway down the Turner Turnpike.
Yeah at this point I see more truck flag arrays in Manhattan than anywhere else, as guys drive in to freak the libs or whatever
Imagine sitting in all of that traffic to try to upset people who don’t know you exist
Weird number of Reagan Bush 84 flags though, which I do not understand the significance of
it hasn’t FELT like trump has had much power or mindshare in a while, but then even at the start of this year there were surveys showing the percentage of people who believe in qanon has apparently gone *up*