Just Some Weirdo ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

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Just Some Weirdo ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ


I'm just an asshole in a white linen suit, sitting in a hot tub by the ocean at dawn. They/Them
Here's another guy I think the president could stand to do a bunch of official acts to.
I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
I've never been more confident of anything than this guy having a hard drive with double digit terabytes of anime child pornography.
This is oddly fascinating in the sense that it doesn't appear that the writer has spent any time with actual artists. He has so little understanding of why or how people make art.
A Matter of Tasteamericanmind.org Conservatives need to learn how to appreciate art, both for its own sake and because it will make us more effective operators in the media world.
The Gaiman stuff is gross but I saw a bunch of people accusing him of "grooming" a, like, 23 year old and no. Stop that. That's not what that word means
It's honestly hilarious that Starmers labour got less vote than Corbyn did in 2019, despite the fact that half of the labour elites were in open rebellion and teling people to vote tory and libdem
For all the doom and gloom about Biden, I drove through, like, thirty different jersey shore suburbs yesterday to visit family for the fourth and didn't see a single trump lawn sign, which is a portent.
Finally finished this one
The humble beginnings of an idea Iโ€™ve had stuck in my head for months. An epic showdown between Marge and Sideshow Bob, surrounded by a melee of henchmen and familiar characters. There will be blood.
I wanna be critically clear: this whole account's deal is an amazingly beautiful simpsons assassin AU, and has less than 300 followers: unserious website, you know nothing of art
Finally finished this one
Increasingly funny that of the few remaining guys in sff without allegations, two of them are Phil Foglio and Piers Anthony
Itโ€™s amazing how poorly Labour consistently does in England. Perfidious Albion.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
Uk elections are great fun because you get to see a whole host of guys that were made and named by a stoned guy working in the Skyrim character creator
bittersweet to see this Conservative member of parliament lose his seat. Michael Fabricant you may be the craziest white boy on Earth
look if this country is going to have insane authoritarian leaders can we at least get one with a little showmanship
Has anyone considered sending the unsealed Epstein documents to Kendrick and letting politics sort themselves out
Oh it's like OVER over for Drake huh
A thing I do think, though, is that it the movers and shakers in the democrats seriously approached rfk with an offer to be the candidate he would immediately snap back to Generic Democrat.
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
This dude would be an excellent choice to do an official act on
Blackrock CEO : as a billionaire i think the only way to shore up retirement and social security is for people to work into their 70s Press : so thereโ€™s no other option Billionaire : none that comes to mind
A solution to the retirement crisis? Americans should work for more years, BlackRock CEO sayswww.cbsnews.com BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that longer life expectancies are "putting the U.S. retirement system under immense strain."
[waking up every day with my memory gone Memento style and seeing the New York Times openly express their politics they have always explicitly had] what!!
Just saw my first Cybertruck in the wild and man it looked like shit. Discoloration and water spots everywhere, even from about 100 feet
the thing about being a leftist and being always right is that there is actually no feeling of "i told you so" satisfaction because the things we're right about tend to be things like "ratfucking for joe biden in 2020 will give us trump in 2024" which sucks and everyone got mad at us for saying that
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
Uniqlo sold this on a tank top for a while and it was my go-to patriotic holiday shirt until it got too ratty to exist
โ€œAmerican Flag, 1977,โ€ by Robert Mappelthorpe.
โ€œAmerican Flag, 1977,โ€ by Robert Mappelthorpe.
My job should be that I go to a big hall and people can pay a couple bucks to watch me eat a whole watermelon
Live Action Bondage Fairies Move To Paramount Plus [[ ad blocked ]] Live Action Bondage Fairies Now Paramount Plus. Willem Dafoe, Jonah Hill Voice Wonderful CG Bugs And Insects. Stand By For More BFairy Report. Comments Register - Log In anonymous they can get fucked for ruining halo
Can't stress enough that these guys all disappear if you can make them fear for their lives
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
โ€œYou merely fell out of the coconut treeโ€
one reason the chaos presently unfolding is kind of exciting is that it feels like a Bane-type character might step out of the shadows