Andrew Nahem

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Andrew Nahem

I had two houses. But I drove a bus through one of them. They were just too alike in dignity. You know?

The Manhattan of top hats, endless rounds of martinis, and lorgnettes ⌈⁰⁰
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Starfleet is indebted to the inventor of Jefferies tubes, Jeffery S. Tubes
[Spotted up on 110th Street] Hey, white truck, what you doin' uptown? Hey, white truck, you chasin' our elevators around?
Apparently there's a Bird & Kayaker Preserve in Queens. Who knew?
I've had this song on my mind from a cover version, so I went back to the original. But what's with the weird Bond theme that creeps in at the end (THUNDERBALL, if I'm not mistaken)? I mean, the rest of it is more Morrricone than Barry.
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood-Summer Audio (only) from CD. Album: Fairy Tales & Fantasies-The Best of Nancy and LeeTrack-4
Another of this class of restaurant names where I'm like No, YOU DO IT.
I still think the name SHAKING CRAB, along with THE CHIRPING CHICKEN, fundamentally misunderstands the role of a restaurant.
I see some doctors from Columbia Hospital and they often text me reminders about appointments from an account called COLDOCS, which, I dunno, just doesn't have a great bedside manner, if you take my meaning. It conjures up a cold, unfeeling physician, haughtily dismissive of your petty complaints.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
My kid thought this said DONUTS KILLED MY WIFE and I have been laughing for almost 20 minutes now
My feet have been defeated (due to being effete).
Mrs. Dudgeon had a roommate in college who was a theater major and used to practice vocal exercises around the house, some of which Mrs. D has repeated over the years. One in particular has stayed with me and lodged in my brain like an earworm: Send the nyews to the dyuke, the nyew dyuke of Cyubah!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
How about this? No guns for men, only poison. No poison for women, only guns.
Avatar I can't believe I never heard of Ramleh. So totally my kind of thing, and my generation. Checking out some of the old and new stuff now. Not doing any gigs in NYC at all?
Originally the DIRTYE RATT FINCK Building, but two of the original partners left in 1925. Send post
I had a horrible nightmare where I was laboriously washing the salad in a long white cloth, but when I opened it, well, the salad was *over there* and what I’d been “washing” was—non-salad!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
The traffic light nervously approached the door of the dance class.
I didn’t get a picture, but I saw a van today in Manhattan that said “Aggressive Heating.“
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
"Achieving immortal renown...yet reaching the pole only to find our terrible journey superfluous, and leaving our best men dead on the ice. To ignore such a contrast would be ridiculous: to write a book without accounting for it a waste of time."
What if you got sucked through a portal into a fantasy realm where you became Lord of the Edgelands? I'd be like, No, seriously, you don't understand, no! Stop calling me Edge Lord!!
No shade to these trees, but they're not providing enough shade. DO YOUR JOB, TREES!
How about this? No guns for men, only poison. No poison for women, only guns.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
*Catches the dead body at the wedding*
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Robot romance novel tropes: * Destroy All Humans to Lovers * Forced Bluetooth * Only One Charger * Human Falls First * Welded Together * Love Dodecahedron * Good Engineer / Bad Bot * Beta Testing * General Availability * Error - Love Forbidden - Contact System Admin * Multiple USB Ports
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
I'm glad this ad admits that excellence was, if we're honest, pretty much gone from the Lab fairly recently. The Lab was, not to put too fine a point on it, trash. Absolute ass. The data was rife with what can only be (charitably) described as hot gibberish. But hey—they've clawed their way back!
I'm glad this ad admits that excellence was, if we're honest, pretty much gone from the Lab fairly recently. The Lab was, not to put too fine a point on it, trash. Absolute ass. The data was rife with what can only be (charitably) described as hot gibberish. But hey—they've clawed their way back!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Cultural Landmarks of the Planet of the Apes
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Tried to write “cishet male,” but it came out “cashew male,” which I take very ill, as I hate cashews. #IAmTheBestTypist Actually #IBlameAutocorrect Also #IBlameSociety
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Nope. Stuff is still coming through. Shifting to Bathysphere Mode
Dammit. Okay, putting it on Dirigible Mode.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
I’m thinking of writing a novel with this title, based on the warnings on a red-band trailer I saw at the movies last night: *Language Throughout, Plus Some Drug Use*
Tried to write “cishet male,” but it came out “cashew male,” which I take very ill, as I hate cashews. #IAmTheBestTypist Actually #IBlameAutocorrect Also #IBlameSociety
Nope. Stuff is still coming through. Shifting to Bathysphere Mode
Dammit. Okay, putting it on Dirigible Mode.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Nahem
Off to work! I’ll pick up some milk on the way home
Hello Monday. Jean Mansel, La fleur des histoires, Flanders c.1480. Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 64, fol. 297r.