
Diane Feinstein missed three months of votes in the razor thin senate because of her ego. RBG knew she had cancer and refused retirement because somehow she wouldn’t die. Biden is directly posing a real concern for the future of our country so why stay? Ego ego ego ego Where’s the sanity?
A reminder that LBJ dropped out of the race in *March* 1968, because anti-war sentiment was so strong against him. It threw the party into chaos, the Chicago convention was mess and Humphrey and the Dems lost badly that November. We may just have to go home with the guy who brung us.
It's the whole package and not just one off night. Basically crooks & liars vs. honest progressive public servants.
It is not my vote they need to worry about
I have to disagree. Gavin Newsom, who runs the 5th largest economy in the world, says we need to stick with Biden. John Fetterman has clashed with Biden & says the same. Remember how terrible HIS debate was? Then he won his seat big %. This was one debate. Hair on fire only helps the other side.
Comparing RBG & Biden to Feinstein is apples & oranges. Feinstein should have walked years earlier. RBG wrote well over 100 opinions AFTER her pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2009. She was a productive force. Biden isn't the one posing a concern for our country-Trump & right-wing extremists are.
If he can’t win the swing vote none of it matters
Changing candidates at this point would be a recipe for disaster. Biden had a cold/raspy voice & didn't have his best performance. He still gave coherent responses while Trump meandered, lied & credited himself w/winning golf awards that he gave himself. If people want that it's not a Biden problem.
The difference is that, if we can get Biden elected, he has a more than capable vice president who has been in training for four years to take over if need be. That was not true for anyone else you mentioned.