
The decision is so broadly done, it functionally overturned the ability for Congress to delegate tasks. Car model safety? Need Congressional approval for every model. Drug schedules? Must have every brand and type described in detail.
Chevron Doctrine replaced by Dunning-Kruger. 🤬 And that's best case; worst is full on corruption, not just ignorant, uninformed decisions but decisions the "logic" and legal reasoning of which are reverse engineered to reach the puppetmasters' desired result. Much like Friday's decision itself.
Were you around when “W” lamented unendingly about “activist judges” and “legislating from the bench”? Republicans have been projecting for decades.
Current regulations have not stopped big oil, big pharma, airlines, etc. from cutting corners in an effort to place profits over people. Our health and safety is under serious attack and we may have to take this ruling into consideration when making future plans or purchasing products/services.
But, yeah, be very worried about nitrous oxide, becuz judges have smarts. 🙄 They just showed us they're incompetent! Idiocracy, here we come! 🤬