
Would not have expected this well-reasoned rant from the smug, front-running sports shouter Colin Cowherd but right is right.
Guys like Cowherd and Joe Buck just being normal liberals is somehow very charming to me
I wouldn't call those takes "liberal". More like rich guys who hang around people with real game, and know that Trump is trash. Makes them a but smug and out of touch with everyday people with real jobs. But they're also not local yokel car dealers who think "Trump is successful! A man's man!"
that's a lot of words to describe liberals
I call them rich Comfortable Coastals. It's different than people who believe in liberal stuff, who actually want the rich to be taxed and think that corporations are scumbags.
Liberals, in the political science sense, do not believe in taxing the rich or corporations being untrustworthy. Liberalism is a market-oriented philosophy that seeks a smaller government where possible. Your use has idiomatic traction but it isn't correct in a technical sense.
I get that. And it can be used to summarize some kind of financially comfortable type that (wrongly) thinks the economic system works and that businesses/corporations can be trusted, but also likes socially liberal stuff and hates Trump trash. "Dude version of wine moms" works.
Dude version of wine moms is both more accurate and evocative without contending with how Thatcher, Reagan, Clinton, and Brown were all neoliberal.