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binge-watching the world collapse | he/him
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Is it just me or do these portraits just look like the cast of Seinfeld circa 1860.
i don't understand the concept of soups. "what if we took delicious food and made it really wet" what if you went to jail for your crimes
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Anyway, PSA If you want to tansplain your concerns over immigration but using leftist vocabulary, I'm going to block you faster than you can clutch your half-digested Marx I have decided I have no time for y'all. Either solidarity with all or fuck off.
i wake up every morning and effortlessly manage not to defend any sex pests, guess i'm just built different 💅
has anyone said jacob reese-mogg the fell omen yet
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I have come away from this election fully believing tactical voting to be a moral failing as its a surrender of your democratic voice and responsibility
ok what is the combination of words i need to mute so i don't have to see this duelling stuff and all the other label cringe
this is absolutely one of my favorite types of post: claiming that the MSM buries a story by linking to an MSM article on that story. genuinely i love these. they're like little babies trying to eat an ice cream cone from the wrong side: a childish mess, but somehow cute.
This story hits a little harder now that the jury documents for Epstein's case have been released (and Trump's name is ALLLLLL over those documents). Again, mainstream media is burying this story for Trump.
Jeffrey Epstein introduced me to Trump at 14, Ghislaine Maxwell accuser Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, identified by the pseudonym Jane, said she met the former president in the 1990s at his Mar-a-Lago resort.
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This piece is maddeningly sparse on specifics, when it's easy to think of viable hypotheticals Example: ➡️ Find just 1 person in any Fifth Circuit state claiming they voted for Biden ➡️ File suit claiming Ds nominating anyone who was not the primary winner violates the Guarantee Clause 1/
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they're making ornaments for your posts
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i am going to find whoever is responsible for the shift away from written documentation and toward video and beat them to death with a lead pipe
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Hawk Tuah this Hawk Tuah that why don't you try to Talk Tuah Therapist
You stepped in the shit numbnuts. This is what happens when you step in the shit… you become total content because we’re all seeing you show your whole ass. Alas this is now social media and especially Bluesky works. You’re welcome.
people on here will tweet anything. "fascism is interpersonal abuse scaled up for a population" "bananas are intercontinental ballistic missiles scaled down for sparrows" "italian grandmothers are bicycles scaled sideways for pasta-making" charlie brown ass website
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I could read about Elden Ring & be told a story of rich undead refuse to die & keep being reanimated again and again through sheer greed and the obsession to cling to their fading power or I could read a fundraising email from James Carville & get that perspective firsthand from one of those undead
I am once again begging the democrats to yeet James Carville into the closest nuclear reactor if they want to have any hope of ever connecting with a single person under the age of 195 ever again
you know what i really love? happy coincidences. lucky timings. fortuitousness. imagine a court ruling that certain bribes are no longer bribes AND THEN a day later the same court inventing a new right for their rich buddy! isn't that cool how the timing worked! how lucky are these guys huh! love it
bitches get scritches
get out with your crema and your airpressure devices and 2000 $ espresso makers. i do not care about my coffee having a "creamy mouthfeel" you absolute perverts. a coffee needs to do one thing and that is make you make the face that bogard makes when he drinks shitty cheap coffee. that's the goal.
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Roberts rules for Trump. Absolute immunity for “official acts.” Vacated and remanded. Party line case. Both Sotomayor and Jackson dissent. Fuck this.
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THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
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JUST IN: Polls closed in first round of France elections. Two main French TV estimates (combines early results & exit poll) show strong far-right. Far-right bloc: ≈34% Left bloc: ≈28-29% Macron bloc: ≈20-22% What does this mean? What'll happen? Follow this thread ⬇️
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just finished gary wills’ “Bomb Power” and the chapters on the dubya administration are a good reminder of a) the horror show of those years and b) the remarkable fact that in an administration of degenerates, john yoo stands apart as the absolute worst
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if your candidate can't put together a minimal techno set that makes me feel like a single blissed out atom vibrating in a cosmic sea of like-minded atoms then your candidate cannot be said to be serious about the economy
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lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
it is the year 2032. cities are lying in rubble, the remaining human population is huddled together in shelters, always hungry and thirsty, always sick, always afraid. SOME DIPSHIT sits in the corner grinning to himself, thinking "this is gonna make such a good podcast episode".
ok HOW does 'buffeting' mean "the action of striking someone or something repeatedly and violently" and not eating as much as you can this is bullshit of the highest degree and i demand to speak to the english language's manager
my american friends and i sometimes play this game on discord that is called "let's show botany extremely fucked-up slices of US life" and i never seem to win and i don't like the game very much