
lol, lmao, rofl. dude totally shot himself in the dick
Ask anyone who works a firing range, and if they are actually honest, they will tell you that cops doing range qualifiers terrify them. Gun safety rules for thee and not for their pork selves.
Also, as firearms enthusiast, that “accidental discharge of his service weapon” bit is hilarious to me. Do you know what most of us refer to that as? Official term for it is “negligent discharge”. A firearm doesn’t go off by itself, it’s negligent handling.
Now now, they are probably shit gun owners, and don’t believe in maintenance, thus neglecting their firearms to failure. Oups, still negligent discharge. I’ve never had a negligent discharge, have had a misfire, but it turns out if you act reasonably, it’s possible to not shoot yourself in the taint
a large majority of police surplus guns are unused with holster wear or covered with rust, there is no inbetween. most cops are not gun people and only qual like once a year