
Massive protests in Tel Aviv right now calling for the resignation of the Netanyahu government.
Roughly 50% of US: “We should elect the dictator. Again.”
It's 30% Might be enough
Biden is worse than Trump at this point. I've voting Green.
That is manifestly not true. Trump will revoke every climate initiative. We know that because he said so Biden will not do enough, but something is better than nothing Letting Trump win is the most anti green thing you can do
nah, we've heard this before, and that is *exactly* why we are in this spot trying to choose between losers. Biden is supporting the slaughter of Palestinians, at a time when the planet need real leadership. Most of congress is controlled by AIPAC. Just can't do it. Jill Stein gets my vote.
So it's your way or the highway? You don't get exactly what you want then fuck it. You, quite rightly, want healthy plant based food for school meals, but since the options are McDonald's or Draino, fuck it. The children are on their own
its a democracy, everyone gets a vote, that’s how it works. I choose to vote for what I want, not what I don’t want. And taking part in slaughtering women and children civilians while AIPAC dismantles our first amendment rights isn’t “not getting everything I want” … it unconscionable, unamerican
You're right, fascists get a vote too. If you want better candidates then get involved. Campaign, do the work. Right now, one of the main candidates will win. "None of the above" will not. You can keep yourself pure and let the Nazi win, or you can do the moral calculus like a grown up
Yep, throwing the Nazi word around, while your guy is supporting a racist, fascist, slaughter. I don’t think you understand how confused you sound That’s why I’m supporting a pro peace candidate that doesn’t take contributions from AIPAC, or large contributions from anyone. You get involved
Trump would nuke gaza himself ffs And the literal only developed countries with a high esteem of his, are currently only russia and israel.
there’s not going to be anything left to nuke by November Biden is doing the massacres right now. You’ve got to fix the problem by voting for a candidate that doesn’t take money for AIPAC. Or kiss your 1st amendment goodbye
... you know you are moving your goalposts, right? What every single behind-the-scenes stories of his says, who actual AIPAC lovers will def vote, and whose party likes this splitting? You don't have to like biden, you just have to pull in your direction the one rope that carries some actual weight.
If the Green party gets just 5% of the vote, then they get Federal campaigns funds in the subsequent elections, which is a huge win for Democracy. Or I could cast my vote for Biden, which #1: He’s going to lose. Every poll has him trailing Trump, significantly. #2 is unconscionable.
Al Gore losing to Bush gave us 9/11 and a million dead Iraqis. Hilary Clinton losing to Trump lost us the Paris Agreement and Roe v Wade Biden will probably win this election, despite your efforts. Unconscionable is not stopping the fascist
You would think the DNC would start fielding viable candidates? This is exactly why we need a functioning democracy. The issue isn’t third parties … it Blue No Matter Who mentality. DNC actually sucks, thats the problem.
A huge win for democracy is if you could dismantle that fucking abominable electoral law, not if you feel smarter than others and believe you can beat Duverger's law. But surely allowing for rule of law to get attacked for due or three more decades isn't going to backfire in any way.
I have no idea what you are on about