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gen x prototype; tech writer / journalist, artist, amateur philosopher, meditation death match champ

just here to love your skoots and build the future one character at a time
how many credit cards do you eat per day
This is what Democratic party punching down looks like. Remember: This is the party in control of the entire free wold right now. They can actually change policy and lead *according to their base* … they choose not to
If someone thinks Biden is worse, it means either they’re actively in support of Trump’s bigotry, or they know their privilege will leave them unaffected, and they’re selfish enough that they just don’t care.
Can someone who is familiar with iPhones HALP. I switched from Android a few weeks ago, and I *still* cannot figure out how to make the phone ring? As soon as I switched to Verizon, started getting tons of spam calls. I did *something* an now it never rings.
if you’re not outside planting string beans and cucumbers rn you’re NGMI
i don’t see why everyone is so mystified by dark energy. Its just the energy you can’t see because you aren’t in the right spot. For instance if you were deep in outer space, you would starlight that isn’t seen from Earth. Every point in space is full of starlight
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Medicine isn’t as strong as it used to be! Remember when you could resolve 90% of all injuries with mummy’s kisses?! Who took mummy’s kisses off the market! Big pharma, that’s who.
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a shame there will never be a Gen X president because it woulda been funny to see Beto end with "the skate of our union is strong" and then do an ollie over the justices and ride out
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i know i’m a little late to the party in complaining about this, but i think it was a mistake to remove the headphone jack from iphones 😔
the pandemic has been so weird
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why is it so hard to find good cat pictures on the Internet?
where did I even leave off?
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[]Navigators of Nature: Butterflies Exhibit Spatial Learning - Neuroscience News Researchers discovered Heliconius butterflies exhibit spatial learning, marking the first experimental proof of such abilities in any butterfly or moth species.
gm! be safe out there #WearAMask #Eris #kallisti #goldenappleofdiscord
tonight: 50% chance of coastal brain fog in low-lying areas
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Soon AI will be able to predict what dead people would say at the current time after reading through their posts and journals. There will be a social network only for the dead called "Zombiezone" and we will watch in horror as the loved ones we have lost fight about politics and complain about us.
went away for awhile, but I'm in the bluesky. Truly don't understand why people are still using that other app
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Plant lettuces, they said. Nothing FUCKING WEIRD will happen, they said.
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Elon Musk will give up on Twitter, and make a DVD porn rental website.
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I heard it was a total dumpster fire over here but so far all I'm seeing is more TPOT discourse and some incredibly sane metacommentary on social norms from actual revolutionary subjects What gives
the electric grid is the biggest machine humanity has ever built
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We added 10% of our userbase since sunday. Dont want to break anything, but we’re goin
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The lone mushrooms today. Very hot and dry. Not the best weather for fungi
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Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted
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We were playing "under the sea" tonight. My 3yo was a scuba diver, I was a shark, and you know who my wife chose to be? The fucking coral. So she could just sit there. Genius. Absolutely genius.