
As a woman of big breast experience my dress options are basically “section where the boobs go ends mid boobs,” “everything’s an empire waist now!,” and SACK.
Been realizing more and more that I love my body but clothes hate it
Honestly primary reason I wish I were rich is that I want someone else to deal with securing clothes for me
Anyway it’s hard out there for a short woman with big boobs and fat thighs
I just started using the Whering app to catalog my wardrobe and got rid of half my dresses. I found that what I kept were mostly fitted dresses with a more fitted high waist, but not a clear cut below boobs. Got rid of so many A-line stuff. Makes me feel to matronly.
I’m experimenting with flowy midi skirts as a summer option because they’re cooling and accommodate my massive thighs and only make me feel slightly frum
I remember at one point going out in an outfit that made me feel oddly frum but I WAS JUST CHILLY, I like skirts and the cloche hat was keeping my head warm
How do you feel about caftans? I ordered this one in two different prints and it’s one of my favorite things I own now and amazing for summer. Seems like a good shape for how you’ve described your body.
Ha it depends on the caftan, if they don’t cinch they just look like a tent which is not flattering. But I have one I like and am considering some others.
Makes me feel a little to grandma like with my body type. I never look whimsical or bohemian. I look like I buy my accessories at museum gift shops and volunteer with other retirees in my beach town.
I love caftans and used to have one I inherited from my grandmother. It was ugly, I'm not going to lie, but the most comfortable thing I ever owned. My ex hated it and eventually convinced me to get rid of it. I miss it so much.
Oh I like those, high waist, with a cute t or tank. My professor standard look is high waist pencil skirt with graphic tees. So summer time the same thing with a more relaxed skirt.
..the strange thing is, some company called BloomChic is advertising clothes for apparently such women to me on FB. I'm not even a woman... but maybe they think I am?
If I were rich my clothes would be bespoke, tbh.
Honestly, this. I mostly just want to outsource the hassle of figuring out how to dress myself to someone else. I love fashion! I love looks! Giving feedback on what I like is great! Finding or making stuff that actually fits me? Alas no.
If you were rich, you could afford a dressmaker to make clothing that would really fit you. Hmmm. I suppose you don't need to be rich, only comfortably middle class; if you look around you can find people who can do this or modify existing clothing.
Most off the rack clothing isn’t really designed to stand up to alteration these days
To even get something that can be altered you need to spend a fair chunk of money on something that’s quality and *then* pay for alteration, which I do not think most comfortably middle class people have the time or money or energy to do.
I should have said "comfortably upper-middle class." I think it's still possible if you're not, but it's harder.
What’s to “stand up to”? You take it in, or let it out, shorten straps, hem, make tucks, etc.
The design process of many clothing manufacturers, including seam allowances etc, is deliberately unfriendly to adjustment without damaging the fabric.
Yes, on seam allowances - easier to take in