Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום

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Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום

Journalist, author, podcaster, bon vivant.
לפעמים אני כותבת בעברית כי אני לומדת עברית ורוצה להשתפר. תיקונים מדוברי עברית תמיד מוערכים.
Initially I wasn't sure how I felt about the calls for Biden to step down but now I'm just like... he should fucking do it and Harris should replace him and let's move the fuck on
TIRED: Independence Day INSPIRED: Takeru Kobayashi Day
it rules so hard that the myth of the Kennedy dynasty has resulted in a guy running for president on the libertarian ticket and his platform is that if elected he'll direct the FBI to investigate ghosts
RFK Jr.: ‘I won’t take sides on 9/11’ Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Friday he “won’t take sides” on the subject of the truth of the 9/11 attacks but would push for transparency if elected president.&nbsp…
I realized yesterday that I have zero patience for "choice feminism" discussions anymore
On the plus side it puts people out of work and offers no real benefit to anyone
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
The good thing is I have done this so many times I'm very sanguine about the whole thing, the only thing that sucks is that I'm bleeding money. BUT: EU citizenship!
I got an appointment with the Croatian consulate…. but it’s after my criminal background checks expire… so I have to do them for the third (US) and fourth (Israel) times 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
just to get all process-y for a minute: a reason that media publlications don't operate at the speed of X or Reddit is that reporting - gathering information, assessing credibility, reviewing source documents, talking to people, checking facts, getting comment - takes longer than "big if true"
Fascinating story about how a Bibi-ist became a leading protester, in part because of what she saw during her IDF service (gift link, shut up about pay walls)
How this Israeli went from major Bibi supporter to leading antigovernment ***
I love how Paris puts all African boarding gates in the worst part of the airport: no charging stations, AC, working escalator, food or bathrooms. very colonizer of them
Taking on the immense task of explaining to my mom why Takeru Kobayashi is cool
I read The Lover by Rebecca Sacks, which was very weird to read during a war in Gaza given that the back half of the book takes place during… a war in Gaza. Anyway it’s not as good or compelling as The City of a Thousand Gates, but it’s not bad.
Oh no I just remembered the air quality is gonna be shit tomorrow
Finally watching House the Dragon S2 and it feels a little too much like Game of Thrones with a different cast and more dragons
I kinda wish the Times — or any publication — gave Trump’s remarks the same laser focus they’re giving Biden’s
People are shocked that Snowden endorsed Kennedy like he hasn’t always been a Libertarian
If you weren’t around to witness it it is genuinely difficult to explain how Kobayashi transformed competitive eating and made it cool for a brief moment in time. 20 years ago I knew hipsters who wanted to be competitive eaters! I attended a chicken nugget eating contest some friends out on!
Yeah I mean it really drove home that I don’t care about competitive eating, only Kobayashi
Love to connect with my people* * folks who love Takeru Kobayashi and hate Joey Chestnut
Go make phone calls for the Biden campaign instead of yelling at internet strangers. It's more productive.
Apropos of nothing, here is a graphic I made in October 2016 that I thought was the height of comedy
It also sets up this weird dichotomy in which marginalized == moral, which… what.
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
If this is true then… he should not be president, a job famous for its heavy, all hours workload and lack of sleep
Today is day 15 of me taking Lexapro and day 7 of me feeling like myself and not a lunatic. People keep telling me it takes 4-6 weeks to reach the therapeutic dose but I truly don’t understand how I could feel more normal than I do now.
People on here who are deprived of their mental faculties say that "if Israel wanted to commit a genocide it would" well what is this exactly? How would you describe the near total destruction of Gaza City and the near total destruction of our ability to make food? The murder of 15,000 children?
-40,000+ killed -15,000+ children killed -20,000 children missing -70% of Gaza's buildings destroyed -60% of Gaza's farms destroyed -2,200,000 displaced
I was in the emergency department with my mom all of June 10 evening — she had complications after a planned surgery that required emergency care — and then I was basically comatose all of June 11, so I am only just now learning about the protests that took place outside the Nova Festival memorial.