
Gonna be totally honest; regardless of whether or not Biden can get elected this November, I don't think he is going to be capable of being president by 2028
This is the convo I have had with my (one year younger than Biden) mom, like... this is how aging works? Being president is also a demanding job that ages people very rapidly? Does anyone really expect an 85-year-old man to be up to the task?
I will vote for him if he's on the ballot this November, but it really feels clear that Harris is gonna be running the show at some point
All the more reason, I feel, like we don't need the shitshow of transitioning to a Harris campaign *right now.* Like, she's gonna take over later, it'll be fine. Transitioning the campaign will be a logistical nightmare.
I think everyone inside knows that the plan, but you can't come out and say that before the election. You can't admit your guy's not up for the job. Ideally, Biden would have bowed out in 2022 and let Harris step up with enough time to build her statue. But I think they were too afraid of Trump.