Lyndall Cave

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Lyndall Cave

I talk a lot about MCAS and TTRPGs.
Canadian-Australian living in Alberta.
Probably won't follow you if you're American. I get enough of that on every other social platform.
Why are there so many ttrpgs about death but so few about birth???
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Background: I'm a professional science educator. Here's my wholesome story of the day. I've been going to a personal trainer to get back into shape after a LOT of injuries/surgeries. Each week we chat about some nerdy science thing. He isn't a science guy, but is very interested in it all. 1/?
CW: food Cooked some instant ramen tonight with bok choy and some homemade stir fry sauce it was SO GOOD. (Used 1.5 tsp of this recipe, and one mini bok choy, no flavour packet with the ramen. Sriracha was borderline too much histamine but I don't care.)
Stir Fry Sauce Recipe {Homemade} - Cookin Stir fry sauce is a must when getting quick meals on the table! Keep this homemade sauce on hand to throw into meat or veggie stir fries.
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Want to mask but lack resources? Look up a local covid action group. They provide free masks, often including sampler packs to help you find the n95-type mask for your specific needs! Size, shape, hair texture, sensory needs, etc matter. So does normalizing masking to resist bans. Mask in public.
COVID Action Map - Google My Mapping COVID action groups worldwide. Groups are not pinned to exact addresses. On Instagram and Twitter as @covidactionmap.
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me: oh wow, this food I love and haven't been able to eat in 3.5 years is incredibly delicious my mast cells, with the vocal tone of mob bosses: yeah, nice lookin meal you got there, sure would be a shame if something happened to it
Ugh once again remembering that garlic is considered low-histamine even though it's one of my triggers, and that makes it really annoying to search 'low-histamine' recipes coz people use garlic LIBERALLY in a lot of said recipes.
Meta: Somebody tried to log into your account but we stopped them. That was me, you bustle-sponges!
Woke up 2+ hours earlier than usual today which would ordinarily have me feeling shakey and nauseous all day. . . This time my alarm went off, I sat up in bed, downed a couple antihistamines, then dozed for another 15 minutes to transition more smoothly to being awake. . .
Reposted byAvatar Lyndall Cave
“Who are you calling false teeth, you bustle sponge?”
I can't quite figure out what this insult means. Where are the false teeth being kept in this scenario? Marion Star May 9 1885
Today is a day where I'm very glad I aim to follow a high percentage of non-American accounts, and aggressively block certain words.
Reading How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe (which is fantastic so far!) and it's showing starkly how I'm doubly-disabled with MCAS. Like I WISH I was just dealing with ADHD. . . I almost said "like in 2019" but I'm pretty sure I was dealing with MCAS symptoms even then.
Whooo ok I think this apple half triggered vertigo and wow this is the first time I've properly paid attention to a vertigo reaction and it is WEIRD.
Ah shoot just realising that my very first noticing-I-have-MCAS-symptoms was when I worked apple picking for a weekend, I thought the problem was bug spray but now also thinking there's something about apples/apple trees generally my body doesn't like.
Currently testing an apple from the batch that caused my last major crash/flare, but at least this time I have gotten wise and am not eating a whole apple, just testing half. (Maybe even 1/4.)
Reposted byAvatar Lyndall Cave
Imagine all the sick APs we could have if we had UBI, is what I'm saying
I love that it's finally warm, I can bring out my fun clothes.
Annoying thing about MCAS: I react to books. It's worst when it's a library book that's been sitting in someone's house and they use laundry fragrances (yes I can smell that). Next worst is new graphic novels, because of the ink. Third is new regular books, but that's usually just irritating.
Well at least my MCAS was good for SOMETHING. . . Taking a ton of antihistamines to help manage my MCAS also helped my symptoms significantly when I got my second and third covid infections. . . and now we know why.
Well hot damn. Makes sense given what we've been seeing with H1 blockers reducing severity of acute covid, but still--wow. Researchers used embryonic stem cells and exposed them to covid virus plus a battery of common drugs. Every single H1 they tested helped prevent covid infection.
The histamine receptor H1 acts as an alternative receptor for SARS-CoV-2 | In addition to human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can utilize alternative cofactors to facilitate viral entry. In this study, we discov...
I fit my entire house/room's worth of stuff from college in our minivan: bed, desk, bookshelves, side tables, sewing machine, plus all the books and pots and pans and everything else. We also used said minivan to haul a camper all around Washington and Seattle. Cybertruck not impressive.
Four cases of water and two bags of potting soil — and this Cybertruck driver needed to make a brag post??!! Honey, I can fit ALL of that in the front seat and leg room of my Subaru
Dear GOD I've had three friends announce their engagement in the past WEEK.
Ok so I had this revelation a couple weeks ago that push-through energy a) exists and b) is not the same as spoons. Now this probably is another dialect so let me explain. 🧵
Somebody remind me to talk about Push-Through Energy in the near future.
It is 36 C outside today and I actually have my door open because it's a bit too cold in my basement suite. . .
Ohhhh well this makes a lot of sense. It's taken me until this spring to learn that I need way more cool-down time than neurotypical people, so it's cool to hear that it's a general ADHD experience not just some weird personal quirk. (Not that it would be problem if it was, I just enjoy solidarity.)
They have often found that people with ADHD often have increased (or decreased if non-prosocial) parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system responses that take longer than neurotypical people to return to baseline. Also that irrelevant emotional stimuli seems to interfere with reaction time.
I put some African Violet flowers in a little glass bottle of water and then was too preoccupied to throw them out when they started to wilt, and now they have little roots and baby leaves growing at the base of the stem. I knew the leaves did this, but did not know the flower stalks do too!
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POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
Postal banking FTW!
Soon as the hot weather hits (above 27 C) I wanna yeet all the knit fabric from my wardrobe and exclusively wear woven fabric (in cotton or linen, preferably).
I need to talk about how awesome Donate A Mask is. . . they provide free respirators and covid tests to Canadians. I've personally benefitted from both when I couldn't afford to purchase them on my own. If you have funds, consider donating or purchasing covid supplies to help.
Donate A
Last night I was thinking about what took me from being a fundie teen to being LGBTQ+ affirming, and I think ultimately it's that I saw love and joy and peace and kindness from people with affirming theology, and also just people who were free to be themselves.
A lovely Appalachian leftist on TikTok said that folks always talk about what radicalized them in terms of theory, struggle, or rage. But, he says, what about the soft things that radicalized us, too? Grammas that kept us fed, bees, flowers, friends being happy when they could make ends meet?