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I study carbon-constrained electricity and transportation systems at Stanford. she/her.
I share papers mostly, but I like and care about a lot of other things too.
fed some sheep at a community solar project
happy pride!!! Me this weekend. So upset
been living in SF for a few weeks and I think about this all the time
Just astounding how quickly Kathy Hochul has given in to every anti-climate group. Like at least put up a little bit of fight man.
So fucking depressing. I was in NYC last week and biked around reading these congestion pricing ads.
I defended my PhD this Tuesday and did not take a single photo with my committee or friends (brain no work). this is me 15 minutes post Thank you to my advisor (the best)/mentors/friends/family. I’m gonna go on a long break
Seriously. I come from a polluted country. Ya'll need to send a thank you note to epa everyday
some of the greatest indian art was produced by deccan sultanates. most pieces were destroyed or stolen (british!) but the paintings truly depict the syncretism of indian peninsula. a lot of islamic myth/folk combined with the sensuality emblematic of central indian art. this is at met right now.
$6-$20 billion dollars to upgrade feeders the next 10-20 years with *unmanaged charging* and almost no rate impact given California’s EV sale trajectory. sounds fantastic????
1) economic historians are some of the most creative folks in academia 2) QJE asking me “How satisfied are you with you..” was not what I wanted to read as I submit my thesis in a week.
NGL a bit underwhelmed by Brattle’s estimate of VPP savings for California - 0.5 billion by 2035
where is this one-third coming from??? public purpose programs + generation is no longer the larger (forget majority) of the revenue requirement since 2018.
is it okay for utility spokespeople to just say complete lies. so disingenuous
600 GW storage in interconnection queue in the west. That’s crazy. I’m guessing storage projects should have higher completion rates than gas/solar?
what a disgraceful political turn for john fetterman
adroitly depicts the mercurial findings
The European mind cannot comprehend tight emissions standards (this is a bit dated - US standards have become even more stringent)
Keep thinking about this VMT data from new NHTS. Very counter-intuitive — fewer cars should mean more VMT (everyone using one/ two cars to do it all). But in multiple vehicle houses, one member is commuting really long distances and everyone else also has a car to just do basic things in the sprawl.
all my homies want economies of scale 📈📈📈 until its fire season 🔥🔥🔥
The balance gets tricky for certain vehicles in two geographies - Midwest and South [census regions]. GHG: Midwest still has high marginal carbon intensity for less efficient models to break even. (fig 1) PM2.5: Midwest (esp Ohio Valley) & South still have a lot of coal! (fig 2)
We also characterize the grid in detail & recommend electricity decarbonization goals. GHG: Natural gas at-margin sufficient to achieve break-even (Critical Emissions Factor in work #1) (fig1,2) Air pollution: 50 coal plants can be retired/retrofitted for health parity (fig 3)
2 things: 1) We were limited by temperature-drive cycle data at the time. We have updated the results for Tesla Model 3: 2) EV's air pollution will reduce as grid decarbonizes, while hybrids will emit more with age/mileage & if automakers cheat on tests :)
On the question of exposure-equity of EVs and Tier 3 hybrids, we analyze both race-ethnicity specific results as well as risk gap -- difference between the mortality rate of the most burdened race or ethnicity and that of the overall population. EVs reduce exposure disparities!
Narcan is available over the counter. It took me 10 min to learn how to administer it without error. Buy Fent test strips from BTNX and dancesafe. Give your kids a big box and quietly restock it. Pic : fatal dose of Fentanyl next to a penny
tiny library Palo Alto was giving today
Firmly in the territory where I do a retrospection of my PhD research and what I have learnt. This, but in the context of designing the energy transition, is pretty on point.
The rusted hook that sparked the Camp Fire was purchased in 1919 for 56 cents.
Median indoor and outdoor PM2.5 by income and deciles of wildfire smoke (x-axis). Low-income households face a higher indoor PM2.5 exposure than high-income households -- roughly ~10 μ/m3 higher during a high smoke event. I expected a much higher difference.