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I study carbon-constrained electricity and transportation systems at Stanford. she/her.
I share papers mostly, but I like and care about a lot of other things too.
Climate policies are also labor policies. This is a climate win of course but setting federal standards to protect workers from heat is a working class labor win. From farm workers to USPS drivers to literally everyone who doesn’t work in an AC office.
Biden attacks Republican climate deniers as he unveils extreme-heat President hails proposal to protect millions of Americans from extreme heat – the top weather-related US killer
happy pride!!! Me this weekend. So upset
Btw chevron deference got you this
Seriously. I come from a polluted country. Ya'll need to send a thank you note to epa everyday
Been a depressing few weeks as someone who works on environment and climate in the United States
been living in SF for a few weeks and I think about this all the time
I left my parents alone for a day and they showed me photos of their walk from japantown to…. Tenderloin
Just astounding how quickly Kathy Hochul has given in to every anti-climate group. Like at least put up a little bit of fight man.
Reposted byAvatar Madalsa
Studies repeatedly show that congestion pricing's popularity is lowest *right before it gets implemented,* recovering and quickly becoming popular once citizens start to see the benefits of it, so of course NY Dems are committed to staying in that "almost implemented" period as long as possible
So fucking depressing. I was in NYC last week and biked around reading these congestion pricing ads.
America is decades behind in its transportation policy because of a fear in its political class to enact any rules — even if widely popular — against automobile hegemony. It’s mind boggling for a rich state with massive political capital to buckle like this on the eve of policy implementation.
Colossal climate defeat buckling to very poorly evidenced political pressures. Also there’s a difference between not doing something and cancelling a policy at the very last minute — MTA has already invested millions cameras, sensors, license plate readers etc in anticipation.
Kathy Hochul’s decision to halt congestion pricing in NYC — if it holds — is a generational setback for US climate policy. It is worse than the Mountain Valley pipeline or Willow project in Alaska, and it will have lacerating national implications. I wrote about it:
Kathy Hochul’s Climate Delaying congestion pricing is one of the worst climate policy decisions made by any Democrat in recent memory.
I defended my PhD this Tuesday and did not take a single photo with my committee or friends (brain no work). this is me 15 minutes post Thank you to my advisor (the best)/mentors/friends/family. I’m gonna go on a long break
Reposted byAvatar Madalsa
“Sometimes the materials that come out of the permafrost aren’t even dead. In another part of Siberia, the warming ground has yielded a 24,000-year-old invertebrate that was able to reproduce once it was thawed” ok wtf
Opinion | A Giant Crater in Siberia Is Belching Up Russia’s A yawning hole in the Siberian landscape should be a warning about the dangers of extraction.
Had a job talk today — a day after my defense — and I think I might have bungled the questions post talk :(
Reposted byAvatar Madalsa
A Biden Administration decision would end new coal leasing on federal lands in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana, the nation's most prolific coal mining region: 🔌💡
The U.S. just took its biggest step yet to end coal The Biden administration’s decision ends new leasing in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana, the nation’s biggest coal-producing region.
80 slides for 50 minutes oh boy
how to enjoy giving talks.. seriously
thinking of putting a slide w just epa and hearts and kiss emojis around it in my defense
everything in the universe is telling me to rewatch drive my car
steve albini obits prove that you can be a die hater but beloved as long as you have a smidge of integrity and morals
oh man australians call their electricians sparkie. soooo cute
some of the greatest indian art was produced by deccan sultanates. most pieces were destroyed or stolen (british!) but the paintings truly depict the syncretism of indian peninsula. a lot of islamic myth/folk combined with the sensuality emblematic of central indian art. this is at met right now.
there’s a crop of folks on the other side that lean on overstating the technical challenges of electrification wrt distribution grid/network anyway new paper from California looking very good wrt distribution grid hosting capacity, $ needed, and rate impact for EVs!
Impact of electric vehicle charging demand on power distribution grid congestion | Proceedings of the National Academy of California, a pioneer in EV adoption, has enacted ambitious electric vehicle (EV) policies that will generate a large burden on the state’s electri...
i think i will go for a long jhana retreat and get really into jon fosse as soon as i defend my phd
Reposted byAvatar Madalsa
If Biden loses, environmentalists will stand to lose all the gains from this administration and then some. If you consider yourself an environmentalist and/or care about climate change, you should not only vote for Biden but convince all friends and family to do the same. The stakes are very high.
These are the stakes: The planet. “It would become an all-out assault on any possible progress on climate change,” said Pete Maysmith, the senior vice president of campaigns at the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group.
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Madalsa
I am also a scientist married to a poet, with small kids. I don't have quite so much cool field work these days, but my kids pop in on calls before morning dropoffs all the time. I could sanitize what life looks like as a working scientist mom, but I hope my visible messiness buys space for others.
if i were at any policy-making position, i would EXPAND $7,500 EV credit to all possible forms of EV (any battery, ownership, leasing)-- maybe even increase it-- provided people trade-in their old vehicle (above 15 years) and get a ZEV to replace it [also last chapter of my thesis/paper submitted]
1) economic historians are some of the most creative folks in academia 2) QJE asking me “How satisfied are you with you..” was not what I wanted to read as I submit my thesis in a week.