
i think as trans women we need to be more aggressively dismissive of "allies" who try to interpret and explain our oppression based on extremely literal interpretations of very superficial declarations meant to justify stripping away our rights.
like i've had multiple cishet men block me for telling them they're wrong about what terfs think (and they are! i have 25 years of experience dealing with them, they read social media tirades, they don't know shit).
but like they really want to be the experts on us while ignoring us, tokenizing us, fetishizing us, i guess fantasizing about hiding us in their attics as some kind of bizarro psychosexual savior complex. they act like they have more of a stake in our shit than we do
tbh a lot of people who aren't us, mainly men (no adjective here is deliberate), seem to think they hold some kind of ownership over us and are invested in dictating to us as a form of allyship. they want us to think transmisogyny is actually a form of misandry because well *who benefits* from that
like how often do we get scolded to defend men because "if terfs said this about trans women you'd know it was bigoted" yes well context matters and it was said about men so wtf do you really mean here why are we told constantly to center men over ourselves (we know why)
they just don't want to actually admit we're marginalized.