june egbert official

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june egbert official


cringe ass failgirl

trans of gender (she/it), Minors DNI please. I reblog/follow NSFW.

still a homestuck, somehow, in 2024
why is it always on trans women to kinder to people treating us like shit? maybe people should just fucking treat us better.
If the NYT was publishing outright articles going "should POC exist" this wouldn't even be a fuckin conversation. Which they are, y'all just don't count Palestinians as POC either
This started mostly as a joke but it's so transparently true now lmao
White libs really love the news when trans women call them out on their bullshit. "You treat trans women like shit. Here's proof." "BOY LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF HAPPENING IN WASHINGTON TODAY"
"We should stop running journalists off this site!" Counterpoint: Journalists should stop be actively Transmisogynistic openly and also maybe reconsider their position at especially transphobic and evil organizations.
if you make the statement that political violence has to always be opposed you don't actually oppose fascism. if you make that statement as an american liberal you have no idea what "political violence" even means
Just saying my PayPal is @Classypay and my CA is $junedelphox
trans people deserve $500 deposited into their bank accounts
trans people deserve $500 deposited into their bank accounts
White libs really love the news when trans women call them out on their bullshit. "You treat trans women like shit. Here's proof." "BOY LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF HAPPENING IN WASHINGTON TODAY"
"it's unfair of me to generalize" that's great of you to admit! now let me just take a big sip of water at this no doubt finished sentence that will not continue on to justify why it's fair for him to generalize.
You can be a lesbian and into a few anime boys, they don't count
Alright friends, it's #weebwednesday but abridged because i have a busy day ahead of me - post em, and i'll try to get to em as soon as I can!
not gonna sugarcoat it. if you're TME, especially men, you need to prove CONSTANTLY that you're an ally to trans women. i'm not saying never being critical of us or our actions. i'm saying that when your favorite cishet celeb gets accused of rape you don't get to turn on us.
insanely funny* to me that even a problematic tranny server cares more about the fed admissions than the "physical and sexual assault" thing. *Sad, depressing, and kind of telling.
sorry but "i am the woeful reckoning of your ill-begotten behavior and mistrustful ways" dime store rose lalonde posting doesn't work on me. tell me straight forward and to the point why you're upset or my autistic and adhd ass will assume it's a bit and get bored.
Middle class business owners duck a lot of blame for shit that is explicitly their fault.
what's your most controversial opinion?
honestly kudos to @bussyfullofsquid.ink for inventing a new type of Posting Through It called Posting Around It, wherein you just avoid acknowledging the terrible shit you did by just posting everything else.
LinkedIn isn't exactly an obscure hole in the wall website that nobody has ever heard of.
the intent is what matters, and cross posting social media outside of the creators intent is flat out doxxing. posting someone’s onlyfans to their instagram when they kept that private, for example, is a well known and common instance of doxxing.
So like. Was I right to avoid this place for so long...?
"Trans women have more representation" weird is that why we're never on these compilations
hi, I'm sorry you don't appear to follow our stuff to know this, but games by trans women and fems are extensively represented in our leadership and the projects in our bundle. Encouraging those less represented groups doesn't take away from the groups that have larger representation. Thank you!
i'm fucking tired, ladies.
hi folks! In the next day or two, I'll be inviting streamers to a server to start organizing their thoughts. If you want to join that group, no minimum time commitment or experience level required. You don't have to stream on only Twitch, either. forms.gle/zAdWfu9vPh47...
2024 QGB Streamer Signupforms.gle Thank you for your interest! This year, there likely won't be a scheduled streaming event, but we'll invite streamers into a temporary Discord for sharing info and games and planning raids if applicab...
Thank you everyone who's sent help here and other platforms!!! 77/600
Hey y'all. Rent is due and I need gas to get to work. I've got about 17 bucks in my bank account. I really need help. Paypal.me/classypay CA is $junedelphox
Pay Mike Carroll using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/classypay and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
This tweet rocks
Hey gays. If anyone could help out by pitching a few bucks my way I'd be super appreciative. Money is tight, tax return is nowhere to be found, and my paycheck is gonna be half next week. PP - paypal.me/classypay CA - $junedelphox (Pardon the deadname)
Homeless trans woman trying to raise money to get an alternator for my car. If you know me, I live in the back of my car and travel the country to ren faires. This car is my life and I need $300 for a new alternator so I can continue working. 0/300 Cashapp ironicmind13 Venmo DabiW
tbh i shouldn't be *surprised* that people lie about what Homestuck actually is or is about, but like it's a very queer webcomic written by a trans fem that has multiple trans fem characters (one of whom is the lead) so like. Of COURSE people are gonna make shit up.
I'd say "One day you're gonna have to listen when trans women raise the alarm about someone" but I'm fairly confident none of you ever will. No matter the cost, it's nothing compared to the shame of listening to a trans woman.
hey y'all! I'm in a bit of an emergency, I'm gonna be homeless on the 12th, and I desperately need money to get myself into a motel, so I made a gofundme! www.gofundme.com/f/aypdfa-hel... #gofundme #homeless #emergency #donate #donation #fundraiser #fundraising #help
if you see this, i invite you to post a picture from whatever device you were using without explanation
if you see this, i invite you to post a picture from whatever device you were using without explanation