Michael Peterson

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Michael Peterson


Husband, dad and granddad, retired Canadian Forces padre, vicar of All Saints, Collingwood, Anglican Diocese of Toronto. Wargamer, walker of Brodie and Beatrix the Border Terriers. Mostly this account is about harmless hobby stuff.
Had an idea for a children’s focus on John the Baptist for today, but on second thought it could be my worst idea ever.
Meet Billy Yank, a fellow with strong opinions. One of a unit of 30 Foundry ACW figures nearing the finish line.
Preachers, if you’re focusing on 2 Samuel 6 tomorrow, say a good word for poor Uzzah.
In May I started 40 zinnias from seeds. Last night was talking to s/o and I blanked on the name “zinnias”. Should not be president.
Covered in dogs, send halp.
Tonight’s hobbying. 28mm Archduke. Charles goes “yeehaw!”
4pm Friday in my office, just started Sunday’s sermon and these dogs are frankly no help.
All Saints, Collingwood, rectory garden with fat cat. It’s a bit of a mess and I’m learning gardening as I go but it’s a wonderful canvas to paint on.
It me after a long day but a good day. I might trim the beard this fall but for now I feel good looking like an Orthodox forest monk with a congregation of bears.
WIP: 28mm Balearic slingers from Foundry, the 95th Rifles of their day.
This face! Trustworthy, friendly, honest, plain spoken, plain dealing, industrious, completely food driven, a terror to squirrels, and a borker at other dogs.
Victrix eastern imperial Roman auxiliary archers. I’m thinking, paint their skirts red, helmets copper, and you have Easterlings / Haradrim for a Middle Earth setting.
I’ve been a blood donor for most of my adult life. Canadian Blood Services is a national treasure and every time I go it’s filled with willing donors who want to do a good thing. Mind you, the free snacks afterwards are a powerful draw!
Roman auxilia looking for trouble in the forests of Germania. Victrix figures w LBM shield transfers.
Reskeet with a banger picture of your cat.
Reskeet with a banger picture of your cat
Anybody watched the Invasion series on Apple TV? Made it through E2 but slightly underwhelmed. Does it get better?
Hoping that OJ Simpson has listen to Norm’s OJ jokes for all eternity. youtu.be/pdZUmZFaBz8?...
Pictures of the staff who operate this Bluesky account.
Pictures of the staff who operate this Bluesky account
Quote with a picture of a celebrity you’ve been told you look like. Fair dos
Quote with a picture of a celebrity you’ve been told you look like Fair dos
Never painted a mini before that actually scares me, but this fellow from the Victrix Auxillia set is a proper bastard.
I quite enjoyed this talk, @normagraham.bsky.social is a passionate Canadian historian and storyteller.
@normagraham.bsky.social's excellent livestream from last night has been made limited monetization by YouTube. The issue here is that fewer people will now see it. Please share this so Norma's great work doesn't go unnoticed. This Very Gallant Pilot: Alan McLeod VC youtube.com/live/X4w4jlo...
This Very Gallant Pilot: Alan McLeod VC with Norma Grahamyoutube.com Join me as I welcome Norma Graham to the OTD Military History channel to discuss Alan Arnett McLeod, his life, how he earned the Victoria Cross and his untim...
Had some time with the light box and this finished SYW unit, the Prussian 5th Brandenburg Cuirassiers, 28mm Front Rank figures. I’m quite pleased with how they turned out and grateful that Gripping Beast picked up the Front Rank line.
I found this Phil Barker classic at a wargames estate sale. The elephant is sad because nobody ever borrowed the poor book. Did Templeton SS not have _one_ nerdy kid?
Not sure exactly how these Roman auxilia muscled their way into the painting queue, but hey, that’s what Romans do, I guess.
Fresh SYW unit leaves the basing depot and is mustered into Prussian service. The 5th Markgraf Friedrich von Brandenburg Cuirassiers pass in review before Der Alte Fritz. 28mm Front Rank figures.
Dice in wargames, huh? 🤷‍♂️Ottoman bow and sword armed skirmishes get caught by elite Russian grenadiers , pass their morale, and fight the grenadiers to a standstill. The Sultan is pleased.