
Story time: Years ago, when I was on the copy desks at NYT, there was a wall full of clocks set to different time zones, with city names under each one. And, at one end, a cat clock with "Cat-mandu" written under it. 1/
In 2017, NYT killed its copy desks and I became a reporter. My desk moved. A little while after that, they renovated the office. I asked someone in Facilities what was going to happen to Cat-mandu. He said Cat-mandu would be thrown out. 2/
I told a coworker, who was as appalled as I was. We stayed late that night and, in the empty office, staged a daring rescue. 3/
The clocks were above a wall of tall cabinets, way out of reach. But I was still in my 20s and had not yet lost ALL of my gymnastics skills. 4/
We set up a perilous structure out of the tuffet/ottoman things that used to come with NYT desks. With my coworker spotting, I clambered up and hoisted myself on top of the cabinets and unhooked Cat-mandu from the wall. 5/
I climbed back down. I tucked Cat-mandu safely in my desk drawer. We went home. Our plans had not extended to what to do with him after we had rescued him. 6/
Years later, I found him in that desk drawer and thought, you know what, I'm taking Cat-mandu home. 7/
I’ve long had a fascination for newsrooms clocks. I’ve had a set for years, and I change up the labels once in a while
I was a news assistant and took a buyout in 2009 to address my lack of education. I was angry AF on behalf of all of the copy editors I knew when they displaced/re-billeted them. The venerable NYT was a better place with copy desks.
You are a “steely eyed missile man” which is a compliment of high regard from a space movie, I think maybe Gene Kranz (failure is not an option dude)? But, no matter who said it, or, if it is from a screen play of some space movie, you win the day! 🏆🇺🇸
What time zone is Cat-mandu time?
Update: i have queried a former resident and apparently the answer is "feeding time". They then refused any further questions until i opened the can.
^^^ This is the important question
Did they have Newfoundland on the wall?? Plus 90 from EST. It’s a geek thing I guess.
I don't remember! There were definitely one or two irregular time zones, but I don't remember which ones.
India is plus 30 minutes as well. Rather more crowded than Newfy. A lot hotter too! I have two one on gmt the other local.
I love that you did this