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Photojournalist, gardener, caffeinated carbon based life form 🌿🌎🌿
She spent most days shit faced drunk and left her estate and all her royalties and shit to MLK and the NAACP what an absolute Monarch. What an absolute role model. Except for being notorious for leaving dogshit everywhere in the hotel she's an absolute role model
Today I learned
Your regular reminder that Dorothy Parker left her copyrights to the NAACP upon her death!
From the Other Place
This year, the UK election is on the 4th of July and the American election is on Guy Fawkes day.
A tragically common cause of death before pasteurization was food poisoning in children who were being weaned and starting to drink cow's milk. Pasteurization is one of the greatest public health successes in the history of the world, and now it's protecting us from H5N1 bird flu 🧪
Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Flash pasteurization destroyed H5N1 viral particles that were highly concentrated in raw milk, confirming that standard techniques can keep dairy products safe from bird flu
I have been saying since February that major media are 100% devoted to But Her Emails 2, but I didnt imagine it would get this bad. The day after SCOTUS stops the law applying to Trump, we have to scroll thru 4 fucking top stories on “Biden old” & an ad before getting to anything on SCOTUS decision
The idea that these are the top stories when the Supreme Court blew up the constitution yesterday makes me want to scream and cry forever.
I have a plan: we elect Biden with the implicit understanding that he voluntarily resigns after a year or two and gives the keys to Harris. That would work. And by that time either Trump is in jail or has had an aneurysm.
Biden could intentionally call Alito a motherfucking weasel on a hot mic and while the NYT spasms like a dead fish his polling will go up 10 points
I love this guy's posture. He always looks like he's in the front row of an airplane where the roof just flew off.
Trump watched TV every day until 1 pm, "executive time."
From the Times article
because i have to wishcast to stay sane now, the funniest possible twist is Trump dying before he names a running mate and a brokered Republican convention
I mean, no biggie, I've only been reading the Times every day since I was ten.
I've kept Wordle, because it's a crutch. Otherwise, I'm out.
First Stokes asters bloomed
🐝 Just a fast snack on the fly for this Four-banded Flower Bee (Anthophora quadrimaculata). They have taken a liking for the Verbena bonariensis. #Nature 🌿 #Macro 📷 #Photography #Insects
Today’s garden theme: summertime blues! 🌱
It is Disability Pride Month - the perfect time to learn about ALT text and start using it!
My new neighbours are having an argument in their driveway about one of them losing the other's book of spells. I don't know what level and flavour of wizardry we're talking about here, or if they're team Gandalf or Saruman, but I endorse their presence in my street. 10/10.
NYT, eight bluesky posts so far today. Trump is a king posts: 1 Biden is old posts: 3
President Biden’s top campaign official is scheduled to hold a crucial conference call with donors on Monday to try to convince them that Biden can still beat Donald Trump despite last week’s debate debacle.
Biden Campaign Will Try to Reassure Big President Biden’s top campaign official is scheduled to hold a crucial call on Monday to convince donors that the president can beat former President Donald J. Trump.
timeline cleanse. please enjoy this photo that popped up in my iPhone memories of my pup Marquis. He *only* loves plushies that are as big as he is. They’re both a security blanket and a bulldozer.
Originalists just violated the principles & concerns of the Constitution's framers. The framers broke away from a king deemed a tyrant. They profoundly distrusted centralized power. They even considered an executive panel -- rather than a single president -- to not give that much power to 1 man.
My understanding is that Trump routinely deploys a tactic called the Gish Gallup. Layer upon layer of unrelated BS. Impossible to fact check. It's all lies anyway. Gish Gallup is not a new debate tactic. It's designed expressly to overwhelm your opponent. More flood the zone, so to speak.
Banning medical debt from credit reports. Cracking down on junk fees. Banning non-competes. Capping credit card fees. Negotiating drug prices. Expanding OT pay. These Biden policies don't make headlines, but this is what it looks like when government works for the people.
stumbled onto this lynda Barry comic again which always makes me a little verklempt
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen