Maggie Astor

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Maggie Astor

Reporter at The New York Times writing about U.S. politics. NYT Guild steward. Previously: climate and covid coverage. Always: cats, gymnastics. No, not one of those Astors.
I wanted to give "wife" as a clue for WEDDING and FLAG but then I wondered if my not-online friends would know about Martha-Ann Alito
It's like a tuberculosis ward on this flight
He wanted me to know, per my article about the Heritage Foundation president's "bloodless if the left allows it to be" interview, that Heritage wasn't the first to declare a "second American Revolution." He — the mahdi and antichrist — was.
Just received an email from someone whose signature identifies him as the Mahdi and the Antichrist
The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is holding a press call about its “Summer of the States” campaign, announced last month. Dem legislatures “will have the power to implement or resist the policy being set at the federal level,” DLCC president Heather Williams said.
Democrats Announce a $10 Million Push for State An unusually early and large Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee investment is aimed at getting voters to pay more attention to state legislative races.
This call is focusing on Arizona, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. In AZ, Dems need to flip one seat in each chamber to control the legislature. In NH, they're trying to flip the House to break a Republican trifecta. And in WI, new maps have thrown control up in the air after years of GOP gerrymandering
State Senator Priya Sundareshan of Arizona said Democratic candidates there were arguing to voters that "it is the state legislatures and state level that is really going to be the key to protecting our rights now and going forward," esp in light of SCOTUS rulings limiting Biden admin policies.
Representative Greta Neubauer of Wisconsin says the questions about Biden's campaign won't affect messaging around state legislatures. "It has always been our strategy to localize these races as much as possible."
Reposted byAvatar Maggie Astor
One helluva story on the impacts of Bitcoin on the health of people in a Texas community after a local business invested in Bitcoin farming computers that run at all hours... Sociology episky 🛟 policysky polisky lawsky 🧪 Medsky 📈🧭
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
Amazing how every single customer service line's options have always recently changed. Where do they find the time to do all that changing
I would like to live in a world where people do not board the train and promptly let out a revolting cough without covering their mouth
Remember that photo of Mitt Romney glaring at Josh Hawley over his mask on Jan. 6? That's me
It was correct. I used a calculator on a math tutoring website that breaks down the step-by-step process of the calculation.
I'm only one day into my workweek but my brain feels like a wet dishrag
lol I have no idea I literally just plugged the lengths of two sides into a website and it spat out the third side for me
Just had to use the Pythagorean theorem for an article, simultaneously proving my "I'm never going to need this in real life" high-school whining both right and wrong, because I googled "Pythagorean theorem calculator" and the internet did it for me.
My story on this
Marco Rubio was asked on CNN if he was comfortable with SCOTUS's immunity ruling when he—in opposing conviction in Trump’s impeachment trial in 2021—said “history and if necessary the courts” should judge Trump's actions on Jan. 6. He dodged the question, accusing Dems of weaponizing prosecutions.
Marco Rubio, Contender to Be Trump’s Running Mate, Defends Supreme Court’s Immunity “I think what the Supreme Court did is, it clarified what the law is,” Senator Rubio, a Florida Republican, said on CNN on Sunday.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie Astor
This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source:
They did. He gave the same non-answer.
Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, a contender to be Trump's running mate, said on NBC that he supported Trump's calls, if he wins, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate President Biden.
Marco Rubio was asked on CNN if he was comfortable with SCOTUS's immunity ruling when he—in opposing conviction in Trump’s impeachment trial in 2021—said “history and if necessary the courts” should judge Trump's actions on Jan. 6. He dodged the question, accusing Dems of weaponizing prosecutions.
Just a completely unserious creature
A four-part time lapse
A four-part time lapse
There was a thunderstorm this morning and then an electrician was here. Matlock just emerged from under the bed, meowed at me once, then went back under the bed, which I think translates to "I JUST WANT TO REGISTER A COMPLAINT"
Ah, favorite datelines, another great topic! I like Starr School, Montana, and Tuba City, Arizona, but neither of those are as good as Weed.
Ha, I guess I'm surrounded by native New Yorkers because I've never heard it mispronounced. Guessing outsiders say the Ny as a single consonant sound?
It's not that the name itself is funny, but on the NY Thruway in Rockland County, there's an exit sign for Nyack and South Nyack that says: Nyack So Nyack I drive by it when visiting a relative, and every time I think "Nyack. SOOOO Nyack." Like the Nyackest that Nyack can be.
What are the funniest location names near you? This question brought to you by Cape Disappointment and Deception Bay in Washington.