
the stuff people post on Threads (I still drop in over there, despite myself) amazes me, like is this kind of argumentative, engagement-farming shit what normals have always used social media for?? and I'm the weirdo who uses social media to read the news and do activism and learn stuff?
These sound like it's their first day on earth. There cannot be this many 23 year olds on threads
Why aren't children blind any more or why don't we stigmatize them by wearing glasses is a special one
*make them feel stigmatized by wearing glasses
right?? like isn't threads (and facebook and IG) famously for like 50 year olds???? isn't that the joke??? that it's full of olds????
Being in my 50s, I've confirmed my lifelong belief that the 50s recaps 3rd through 8th grade: loud, cranky, and amazingly confidently uninformed on so many topics. It's like some weird reverse pre-puberty.
I don't know... Other than the wedding one, these all sound like middle-aged dumb questions to me. The Olds (Boomers and Xers) may have already taken over FB, but the older Millennials are in their 40's now, so we might be witnessing their transition into Olds on Threads.