
I have actually considered doing an IRL/mail art-adjacent round robin with perfume samples for my fellow perfume nerds.
I'm getting caught up on email & had a list of little fun (some more than others) ideas at the end of last week's newsletter & one of the suggestions was "Host a perfume sample swap" & I'd love to do a Bluesky version of this, if I could figure out a good way to make it work.
Back in my nail blogging days we'd do this a lot! It was a lot of fun tho managing the spreadsheets is a lot of work
My notion was get, like 10 "players." Send out 50 samples to the first person on the list. They have 2 weeks from when they receive the samples to swap out as many as they want. They then send to the second person, who has 2 weeks, etc. At the end of 20ish weeks, it comes back to Player #1.
Oh yeah 10 is super manageable to keep track of. We'd do one week before sending back out but capped at 20. people put stickers with their initials on them for what they put into the box before sending along and mark off what they took and what they added on a spreadsheet