
Clarence Thomas is worried about OSHA? I remember seeing this hunk of phlegm being confirmed, while I was packing to move out from a bad relationship and thinking it was appropriate that this misogynistic asshole would be confirmed despite the evidence of his rampant, sexual harassment Asshole
Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating Justice Clarence Thomas argued that OSHA's authority was unconstitutional. He dissented from the court's decision to reject a challenge to the agency.
Former safety auditor here. No need for companies to have fall protection, require safety glasses around hazardous chemicals, track incidents and near misses to improve safety, operate cranes safely around the public….really workers will be fine or easily replaced with children
Workers are expendable to the billionaire class that relies upon workers to create the wealth they are hoarding which is why they are trying to force more women to be broodmares - more workers means more wealth for them! Billionaires are bad for all life on earth! NO exceptions!