
"We will not help Republicans ban abortions" It's really that simple.
Democrats shouldn't bail them out by agreeing to the very short 15-week ban. Their radicalism brought us this moment, and there's no need to compromise with them to get back to their slightly less awful benchmark. Use the leverage.
Democrats gain nothing, and probably lose a lot of voters, by agreeing to anything less than restoring the pre-Dobbs status quo. And MAGA will never agree with that, so bring it on in November.
How about we will not help Republicans discriminate against women in any way any more ?
There will be NO such agreement; a restoration of abortion health care rights through an initiative has already gathered 500K signatures.
The problem is, both the 15-week restriction and the 1864 ban are already on the books. So Republicans can call for a vote on repealing the 1864 ban, and what are Democrats gonna do? Vote against repeal? "We are voting to keep the ban in place in order to not help Republicans ban abortions."
All the money that out of state donors would burn on this cycle’s Amy McGrath could go to a travel fund instead. It’s equally performative.