
I see LordBusinessman pulled the pin. Too bad. He was a good account. I wish him well.
WHAT?! Seriously? Between him and Paul what’s left? Did something happen today specifically?
Not today. The post debate fracas. He mentioned he'd just about had his fill of dealing with morons.
Mute words seem easier than, um, going to mastodon? I dunno where people are going if they don't want to go back to Twitter. But hey good luck to him
This isn't a "good riddance" or anything I just literally don't know what people are doing. Curating your feed here seems easier than changing sites
i understand the frustration post-debate especially if you actually want to talk about stuff like the debate without a bunch of people replying nonsense. i’ve muted a bunch of stuff and people, and still the doom is seeping in and i don’t like it
It's frustrating as hell and super dumb and annoying because *gasp* everyone has the same opinions as before but stronger
I feel bad for folks who follow 2000 people but don't actually have folks to chat with about whatever
evergreen skeet and maybe that’s what drives them to the brink
Parasocial media vs palsocial media
But also "don't talk about politics all the time" is just kinda good self care even if you are interested in the topic
yeah the best thing I did here was start a "Favs" list from the start so I have at least 1 feed I know will reliably spark joy b4 deciding if I'm in the mood to dip my toe into the wider circles including topics like politics that I know will be cess pool adjacent at times