Gregg McLennan

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Gregg McLennan

Doom scroller, shit poaster, wife guy, meal maker, wearer of boxers and occasional weaver of molten metals.
Nobody takes the piss like the Brits
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
No followers and the every post on the feed contains the word gofundme. Smells like a bot. Buh-and I can not stress this enough-locked.
Lesson one of safety razors is never hurry shaving.
I have to man the booth Saturday and I won’t wear the party t-shirt because I won’t wear orange. I need an outfit that says “tightass but from the left” that I can wear in 85 degree heat. I’m leaning towards the Guy Caballero. Gofundme a white alpaca 3 piece bespoke with a handmade Panama topper?
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Holy shit Labour Party landslide!
Happy Independence Day to all my American friends on here, which is most of you. Jeez you’re like rabbits. She’s a fine country and you should move heaven and earth to maintain her as an icon of democracy.
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Roses are red With more than one particle
Reposted byAvatar Gregg McLennan
Now this is how you save democracy. Find common cause against a common foe.
"At least 200 candidates from both the left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition pulled out of the order to unite behind those remaining contenders with the best chance of beating Le Pen’s nationalists"
French election: Rivals unite against Le Pen’s far Hundreds of candidates from Macron’s camp and the left-wing alliance withdraw in an effort to keep the National Rally out.
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RFK perpetually looks like you just kicked open the door of a toilet stall he was sitting in
I love this guy's posture. He always looks like he's in the front row of an airplane where the roof just flew off.
Thread. Voting always matters and in ways you may not think of but are very important to others.
Never, never give in to apathy when the stakes are high. As always: think of Ella Baker.
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films RaMbo CObra OVer the Top FIrst Blood CliffhangEr
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films M: Mystery Men O: Once Upon A Time In Mexico V: Volcano I: IP Man E: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind I haven’t seen once upon a time in mexico in like 2 decades so not standing behind it
If Westjet hadn't tried to impose an arbitrated settlement on the workers, this whole thing could have been averted. Instead the CLRB allowed them to strike during arbitration and the company suddenly wanted a deal done. The union won handily. RIGHT INTO MY FUCKING VEINS!
WestJet strike that affected thousands of travellers during the long weekend now over | CBC WestJet says the strike that affected thousands of travellers during the long weekend is now over after an agreement with the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association was made late on Sunday.
I haven’t gotten an email in three days. Prior to this year that was normal. Now it feels like a vacation.
Holy shit it’s my country’s 157th birthday and all I got her is my contributions to her GDP. My instinct is to say sorry. Weird. Happy Canada Day to all members of the Maple Horde.
Make a band bready Sha-Naan-Naan
Make a band bready The Pita Shop Boys
I'll proudly fuck your wife on the down low and send a mob after anybody else who does the same because I'm a nutter and a hypocrite.
"Somebody did a terrible thing that traumatized you for life. Don't ever put any effort into stopping people from doing that exact thing" 😒 Sexual harassment 😦 Child abuse 🤗 Infidelity Yeah, you don't get to dictate how other people handle their trauma.
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
Avatar I'm on episode six and for the first time in six months I feel like playing. I just bought New Vegas which I've never played. I might have my mojo back thanks to this show. It's so so good.
Men only want one thing and it's disgusting.
Men only want one thing and it’s disgusting
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It's frustrating as hell and super dumb and annoying because *gasp* everyone has the same opinions as before but stronger
Since summer is apparently arriving mid week, I'm going to take this last opportunity to make curried chicken before it's too hot to spend lots of time in the kitchen. I must note that cooking in warm weather is so much more pleasant since I ditched the gas range for induction. Recipe here:
Avatar This would mean a lot to a lot of people.
bluesky really ought to introduce locked accounts because this is going to keep happening up to the election.
I see LordBusinessman pulled the pin. Too bad. He was a good account. I wish him well.
Ok, what’s a non-video game that you always wanted? My friend Kristi had ker-plunk and I did not I wanted it.
You’re not following me anymore MerryNoeleBullshit
In retrospect I probably should have eaten more than carbs and one orange today.
One of the good ones could switch columns. Unbelievable that people have forgotten the most important lesson of the 20th century.
hey france, don’t fuck this up