Claire (She/Her)

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Claire (She/Her)

Cute trans girl who really likes sex
DNI if under 18
one thing i kinda want bluesky to implement is a "reccomended followers" section or something, so that it's easier to follow more people on here :(
hot take: if it turns out we're in a world similar to like star treck, where alien life is everywhere and we just don't see them, i will make it my life goal to smash every single alien species (that can conset of course) possible, that is not a desire, that is a promise
god, i hate election seasons, US election stuff often bleeds into canada, and right now everything with trump and polievre is so fucking terrifying as a trans person in the west
i love how in a lot of TV shows, when they try to make episodes about internet personalities they're always like "oh, this person will do whatever their fanbase will say" when in reality, that person would almost certainly get banned or sent to a psych ward because of concerns over their health
dude, i fucking hate major corperations like, the insecure need a lot of them have to "be at the top" is so fucking pathetic, especially when they have the need to abuse their workers to get at the top, despite the fact that a buisness model like that has been proven to be unsustainable
yeah, that's how it's going here in canada as well unfortunately i guess it's a law of the universe that conservatives will always bend over backwards for politicians :(
has anyone else noticed how a lot of peices of media designed to pander to one side of the political spectrum, tend to attract the exact opposite demographic? like it happened with that shitty twitter cartoon, and i think it happened to Q force in the opposite direction interesting to think about
god, i fucking hate having so many chronic issues that doctors won't pay attention to other than managing the symptoms despite the fact that they're getting worse, very cool
random question, am i the only one who thinks that canned soda tastes different than fast food soda?
hey ya'll, so a bit more of a serious post today, but it's something i kinda want to know i've been wanting to experement with neopronouns for a while now but, i'm not really sure where to start or even how to pick one that feels nice to be referred to as so uh... anyone have any way to help? lol
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
the verbalace situation is so crazy to me because i think it's the perfect example of what some people will do just to get off my man spent thousands of dollars, and ruined his career, just for some fap material that he absolutely could have gotten for free like, that phenomina needs to be studied
you know, i love being in small obscure communities no one's heard of like lostwave, just because of all the interesting stories i would have never heard otherwise, like that time a song that was searched for for over a decade was found on vimeo of all places
i just realized something racism, sexism, transphobia, ect, all technecally qualify as mental illnesses (at least according to the top google result)
i caught something :( i feel like shit, if i make a couple nonsensical posts, that's why combined with the fact that i only got 4:30 hours of sleep
susan the loser this is susan. she is a loser. this is a comic about her.
if you had a binder that was plant themed, could you call it a venus flytrapper keeper?
tiktok and youtube shorts are a plague on humanity but, i will say, without them, i wouldn't ever know just hoe many different things people hyperfixate on, lol like i just watched a video of a guy showing off a bunch of novelty watches he owns (one of which literally doesn't even tell time)
went to my first pride pirade today, it was fun but now i have a sunburn on both of my shoulders :(
that relatable moment when your new hyperfixation is super NSFW so you can't really talk to anyone about it :(
sorry for talking about NSFW stuff so much recently on here, but also, tbh i kinda want to learn more about different kink communities, might need to find a mentor or guide of some kind, lol
i just realized the way we react to gen alpha slang is how people in the 1930s must have reacted to the weird 30s slang
hear me out youtube but it allows NSFW content but that also isn't its main focus and it has a section dedicated to "SFW, NSFW" content (basically nonsexual videos about sexual things)
Cursed hypno Idea: Hypnotized to dab after answering a question, fully aware of it. "Do you want fries with that?" "No." *dab* ------ "Have you taken out the laundry yet?" "I think so." *dab* ------ "H-how do we defeat him?" "I don't know... but we have to try." *dab*
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
just found this on reddit, i'm not sure if i love the idea or hate it on principle
Using a yo-yo to hypnotize your subject into speaking in dated 90s slang. “Oh Mxtress you’re so totally tubular. I worship at your radical feet, you have such extreme power over me 😵‍💫”
happy pride month ya'll, i know shits been scary for us in NA, but hopefully we can at least have this month to chill out and have some fun :D
i just had a terrible idea that i have to share hear me out halloween for adults it's like regular halloween, but only those over 21 are allowed to participate, and instead of giving out candy, people give out edibles, beer, cigarettes, other legal drugs in your area, ect