The Angriest Stoner

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The Angriest Stoner

Looking for my friends
In desperate need of someone with a knowledge of plants and gardening. Our yard once belonged to a master gardener and it's now completely overgrown. Soany beautiful flowers but you can tell they need room to breathe. Need opinions on how best to trim some of this back and take back this mans oasis.
Half the fun of moving into a new place is untangling the mess of wiring that the previous owner left for you.
Can I get a "hell yeah brothe!"? We're finally moved in to a home with a yard for my dog to retire in and a sunroom for my plants!
After all the dash lit up and we've broken down 6 times we now need to try and limp the truck back to the shop.
When you have to drive two hours up north with a loaded trailer and the work truck breaks down 3 times on the way... At least I'm getting paid.
Rocket League is a game overrun by degenerate scumbags. Nobody should be that good at Soccer with cars. I'm here to play a casual game, and unlock a few cosmetics, not watch someone who has never been outside flex their dribbling skills. Since when are gold lobbies impossible to play? Games suck now
I'm quiet quitting on life, I American't keep doing this for nothing.
Sitting at a bar and just listening is DEPRESSING.
Imagine if spaces with cool stuff could be accessible without spending 50$+
It's hard to have goals when the stability is gone from your life.
All I want in this life is a basement full of vintage pinball machines, cozy lighting and friends to share the space with.
With the state of AI technology at the moment I don't know how anyone can say competitive gaming is something we should be interested in. These people are all just massive cheaters and are being rewarded for doing so
When it's your birthday and nobody reaches out. Yes bartender, I do look sad, thanks for pointing that out.
Legitimately about to make a compilation video of all the times I've been completely wiped by unimaginable bullshit. These kids are not getting that much better at games, they all just have access to fucking high-end cheating like GameShark would never imagine. If I could reach through the screen FR
Give me fucking bot lobbies, let me play with people who are actually my skill level, stop putting me in game modes with these fucking losers who can't even read, but get six figure paychecks from shithead kids who stole their mom's credit card. I've had it. Games are unplayable in a competitive way
When you get denied unemployment because your conservative bitch of a boss lies and denies you were fired but that you "quit". Crazy how the state just sides with the guy making all their expensive granite shaped awards at a discount. Nobody is ever held accountable.
EVERYTHING have been overtaken by cheaters that abuse power.
Just crying a lot lately. It all feels hopeless.
No one will convince me that the world didn't end in 2012. Something has felt off ever since then, this might be hell.
I don't believe in a god, but saints are real and Aaron Bushnell is one. Whatever comes next after this life for us let it be something wonderful brother, your light will not be snuffed out for nothing.
So it's pretty obvious that things are going to get much worse and we're going to get one of two things in America. Some mashed up combination of fascistic ideas, or balkanization of the land if we end up in a civil conflict. How long it will take, nobody knows exactly, but it will be coming soon.
If anyone uses my posts to train AI it's just going to have clinical depression.
Honestly feels like I'm just ghosting through days. It's like I'm here, but not really. People all around me that I knew from past lives all hoping I don't talk to them while pretending not to recognize me. I've become part of the scenery.
The longevity of interest in any issue hinges on grifting influencer types ability to make money off talking about it.
Modern refrigerators need to be built in reverse based on the diet of Americans. The freezer section should be the big part.
Got fired for going to therapy on my lunch without telling the boss I was going for therapy. Not unrelated was my effort to start a union. But guess what reason was given for my termination.
I think this is the time I finally get a lawyer, I'm done being fucked over and running.
Sometimes I feel sad, but then I think about how our president has dementia, my tax dollars fund global terrorism and an active genocide, and our entire government is owned by corporations that are actively trying to reinstitute child labor. Then I feel mad instead. Because we all should be.