
"Jenna Ellis pleaded not guilty Tuesday in the fake electors case in AZ, where she & 17 other defendants face forgery, fraud & conspiracy charges related to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. All 18 of those charged have pleaded not guilty in Arizona. (She pleaded guilty in GA)
Trump legal advisers Jenna Ellis and Boris Epshteyn plead not guilty in Arizona 'fake electors' All 18 defendants in the state case have pleaded not guilty to forgery, fraud and conspiracy charges.
This is what happens when you go criming in multiple jurisdictions. Don’t forget her under oath statement, when she entered the guilty plea in #Georgia. Sure Jack Smith has it too. Speaking of Smith, seems like his plan to streamline his DC case by only indicting Trump didn’t work. 1/2
2/2 Maybe it’s time to rethink that strategy b/c of the delays perpetrated by the corrupted Roberts Court. Maybe some superseding indictments, adding co-defendants are in order? Jack’s got to play the cards he’s been dealt. 😎
Oh, that's an idea. You'd know more about that than me, how easy or hard that would be.
I think he’s waiting for the Roberts Court to put the final nail in the coffin, to prevent a trial from occurring before the election. Also, he wants to see what happens in the documents case w/the challenge to the Special Counsel’s statute.
It pisses me off, I'm sure Cannon has seen evidence of funny business with our top docs. This should have been out before the election. They're all traitors.
Im telling you, the dark money, Leonard Leo & the “Federalist Society” is doing this to our country. It’s not just the Federal System, they are doing it in the State courts & legislatures. They have a plan. That’s what Marc Elias is fighting against.
100% If I could agree harder, I would lol. This has been going on forever with these anti-democracy activists. We HAVE to get rid of this dark money... stop letting them purchase the end of America