
Pharmac says there are no plans to change eligibility criteria for free Covid-19 vaccination. There's a false screenshot going around suggesting that Pharmac is ending free Covid-19 vaccination for a wide range of people beginning July 1. Again, it's false.
except the other photos are letters from Te Whatu Ora?
I don't think the letter is incompatible with Pharmac's statement. Vaccines are free to all who meet the eligibility criteria. Those criteria haven't changed and won't without consultation. Therefore vaccines remain free for everyone who they're free for right now.
The criteria in yesterday’s communication from July 1 were different to the present criteria. They would mean we need to exclude a number of people who now qualify for Covid vaccines and boosters
Can you please email me the full correspondence you received from TWO? [email protected]
Aside from confidential header and footer that is a photograph of what was sent . Unless they’ve change the criteria it contains serious errors with implications for who can be vaccinated from July 1st. I am going for error that misled all the workforce it was sent to who have to apply the criteria
It makes sense not to put the header/footer in a public post, but it would be great if you could send those to someone like Marc so that he could see the header/footer to be able to work out if TWO is lying etc.
Strange that a GP received a notification of a change in eligibility in that case.
GPs are busy people. It would be very easy for some mischief-maker to produce something on TWO email letterhead, and send it from an email address approximating something that might look like a TWO account, to a bunch of GP email addresses they'd found on some website(s) somewhere.
If I had to guess, the GP has confused the antiviral criteria (which is what they posted) with the vaccine criteria.
I have not confused any antiviral criteria it’s something I do every day. Thanks. My concerns are pregnant women and health workers are not in the list of criteria for vaccines from 1st July that Gps were sent. Which is why I asked the minister to explain the logic. I have to apply these criteria
Looking at the screenshot of the email in the original post over at the dead bird, it's clearly talking about vaccinations - but the fonts are mismatched, so potentially mischievous. Or just Hanlon's razor.
I really don’t think that happened. I think the PHO passed on what they were told in good faith and someone didn’t have signoff
That is what I suspect happened.
Yep, that would fall under "Hanlon's razor" as mentioned in a later post :)
Hopefully a journalist is following this up.
Thanks so much Marc - I felt sick at the thought of this change
Any idea what the source of that screen shot was that people were sharing? Surprised so many woukd share it without thought if it was fabricated.
I'm betting both are legit and this is what you get when when you fire the people who make a ministry function
It is an actual screenshot of an actual email that contains fundamental errors
I know exactly where it came from and have asked them to correct it or confirm it