Marcia 🏳️‍⚧️

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Marcia 🏳️‍⚧️

25 she/her
bad picture of my outfit last night 🥰
18 months on E and starting to make bottom surgery moves 😌
helped a girl update her name and pronouns in our system and she goes "wow, they must have good training there, you weren't an asshole about any of this" and i just went "girl, listen to my voice and think about my name being charlotte" ten solid seconds of silence followed by "oh shit hell yeah"
current name change nightmare situation: trying to update with health insurance is proving to be the most difficult so far tried to update it online, got locked out of the portal because the email that I used has been flagged by Google as being suspicious. I only use this email for health insurance
Instagram ad algorithm keeps sending me ads for tucking underwear (lol) and also for transmasc clothes???
really really really fucking sucks being abandoned as a musical partner by people you've been playing with for years
before you decide you don't want to vaccinate your children you should have to take a 4 hour cemetery tour with me where i point out every tiny little headstone of a child that died from a preventable disease and is buried with their parents who would have done anything to save them
biggest motivator to switching to bluesky was honestly that Twitter wouldn't let me change my profile picture for like 8 months lmao
End of feed.