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I was feeling very good about shaving my beard down to a mustache last week after the JD Vance VP pick, but today I've been reminded of Dave Weigel and I'm second-guessing myself
It's really terribly tempting when reading history to make these awful forced analogies with the present. But I wouldn't do that... Spain was not the United States of the 16th century.. Spain was Not the United States of the 16th century..
If I had been at Lepanto, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of Venetian blood in those straits and then me saying "Ok, it's going to be an Ottoman Europe, don't worry"
The emperor sets all his tweets to "Everybody can reply," as a matter of ancient custom. This, of course, does not mean you should reply to him. There are formalities to be observed.
I love and respect all governments. 🙂
Bluesky, you are under attack by Columnists. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Surrender now and we may find mercy in our hearts.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
namesearching myself on iwaspoisoned
I possess a great cavern full of finely worked gold and silver vases and plates and rare jewels cut like tropical fruit stacked in heaps on the ground. And I vote.
The people clamor for your account reactivation, sire. In the city they wail and rend their garments. Will you not log on and bring them succor?
this is a bit trite but it seems relatively easy for successful journalists to discourse without getting harassed based on their employment: post anonymously. but presumably they want their posting to be imbued with the cachet of their employment history
They said he couldn't have 2 non-alcoholic beers on a Sunday night...
I've made a point of going for a walk almost every night for the last few weeks at the firefly hour and it's had an incalculably positive effect on me.
Pretty neat little creature I found. I think it's a masked hunter nymph (Reduvius personatus). They camouflage themselves as nymphs by exuding a sticky substance and covering themselves in whatever fine particles they can find.
Have you guys heard about this?
Just found out about political violence... Damn. Faith in humanity lost...
Sorry for being retrospective on the weekend but it's a bit wild to think that I have shared that strange, unclear, and weirdly rewarding form of acquaintanceship that we call "being mutuals" with many of you for some years now. Here's to many more.
One day I will learn to read this writing, and things will change.
Saw these guys having lunch
got bit by so many mosquitoes today. there was one point where I had been sitting still trying to take a photo for a few minutes, focusing on my camera, and I looked at my left hand and saw 3 mosquitoes on it in the middle of biting me. I paid my forest taxes well today
Reposted byAvatar Sam
Baby crows crack me up. I have no idea how their parents manage to put up with their shit for so long. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally pick food up off the ground and eat it.
Baby crow can fly but can't pick up Baby crows are hilarious. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally p...
I find your brand story inauthentic.
Sometimes to be truly kind, we have to be evil.
America Is A Nation
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Don't worry about that, it's just my biofilm. It's perfectly natural, and mostly safe.
I'm unconvinced by the joke that a medieval peasant would be impressed by a modern snack. These people were eating ergot flavored rye sandwiches for breakfast and touching the face of God three times a week as a result.
Reposted byAvatar Sam
you feed a dorito to a peasant in the 1300s, he's unimpressed. i sent my time machine back 50 years earlier and cornered the medieval snack market