
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source:
However, the CDC continues to go out of its way to stigmatize masks, not listing it in its core prevention strategies for respiratory viruses, and calling it an “additional” prevention strategy instead.
Also, “treatment” and “staying home to prevent spread” (with the illustration depicting someone with a fever I guess?) are not “Prevention Strategies”!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
In the case of staying home to prevent spread, I mean it *is* a prevention strategy for getting *more* people sick and that’s definitely a good thing, but it’s not advice the reader can take until they’re already sick?
Which isn’t “prevention” for *you,* the reader.
And what's worse people don't regularly test themselves because it's expensive and we have a half a case out there are asymptomatic...
A thought experiment I've had. Let's just say covid test in a current capitalistic Society was purchasable for 10 cents a piece Maybe 75 cents I wonder what price point people would start giving a hoot. if they actually would... Basically how much does cost factor into this. Incuding masks.
Cost is absolutely a factor. As are access and encouragement by public health, government, and medical professionals. In my opinion though the encouragement needs to steer all the way to “free” and “we’re coming to where you are” because it’s in our interest as a society to keep our community well.
Absolutely if we would sprnd fraction of our defense budget sending n95s and covid tests weekly in the mail.. Want to make sure your mask actually fits you properly will come to you and give you a free fit test once a month Those irritant smoke tests are inexpensive...
I went to open sauce a few weeks ago .. [ wore a PAPR] When I go again next year I'm going to set up a booth that does qualitative fit testing.. Double duty.. it keeps makers safe make sure their PPE doesn't leak when they work with dangerous chemicals and resin fumes.... and covid... 1/
Wouldn’t that be great? Actually local mask blocs are doing a lot of this work and they’re amazing 🫶🙌🏼