
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source:
However, the CDC continues to go out of its way to stigmatize masks, not listing it in its core prevention strategies for respiratory viruses, and calling it an “additional” prevention strategy instead.
To still be putting hand-washing front and center, for a respiratory virus, while relegating masking to a by-the-way additional strategy, is certainly a choice.
isn't treatment... not a kind of prevention?
Yup. Fuck the disabled and the elderly. That’s the policy.
Also, “treatment” and “staying home to prevent spread” (with the illustration depicting someone with a fever I guess?) are not “Prevention Strategies”!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
In the case of staying home to prevent spread, I mean it *is* a prevention strategy for getting *more* people sick and that’s definitely a good thing, but it’s not advice the reader can take until they’re already sick?
Which isn’t “prevention” for *you,* the reader.
And what's worse people don't regularly test themselves because it's expensive and we have a half a case out there are asymptomatic...
A thought experiment I've had. Let's just say covid test in a current capitalistic Society was purchasable for 10 cents a piece Maybe 75 cents I wonder what price point people would start giving a hoot. if they actually would... Basically how much does cost factor into this. Incuding masks.
Putting handwashing in core and masks in additional is perverse
"Treatment" after you've already gotten COVID is a "core prevention strategy" and masking is not. These people are morons and they think we are too.
"Additional" strategies. Jesus Christ. I'm one of the only people I know who hasn't been in public without an n95 since 2020. I'm also one of the only people I know who hasn't been ill once since 2020, despite being severely immunodeficient. Hmmm, I wonder if they're related.
And how many places are taking serious steps to filter and dilute their air? Very few from my observations
Happy to see the steps for cleaner air in there though. But hygiene and masks have certainly been swapped.
Any day now they might come around to twice annual boosters for any who wants them (or at least for over 50's where the seriousness curve starts its upward bend) but alas too late for me as I've got my second round of actual Covid-19. Thanks US Public Health infrastructure!
It’s obvious why the spike around thanksgiving/holidays but why the spike in June, 3 years in a row?
Two of the spikes are crossing over into July, could it be graduations, weddings and the start of summer vacations?
Actually, the 3rd one includes July too.
That's interesting. I do wonder what would make it different from flu/colds in this regard. Maybe it needs more time to get there., or maybe its in part an artifact of more testing for Covid (e.g., most of the time when you are sick, you have no idea what virus you actually have).
Better than the covid vaccin is a cure of YERSIN; yersin is the Swiss MD researcher who IDENTIFIED the virus that attacked the lungs during the pest. It's a mini vaccin 15 ch to swallow 1 per wk × 3 wks in oct, then 1 dose of influenzium /month until the end of April This protects the lungs