
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
100% every time o visit one (often) I am impressed and amazed they exist. And often think it’s unlikely they would be started in current times. Amazing public good. (I think the same about rest stops and parks, just generous thinking )
I was thinking the same about water fountains the other day! (When I wanted but couldn’t find one, and I was remembering how plentiful they were in Switzerland!)
totally! Public bathrooms are the same -though there are not nearly enough of them!
The idea that it is better for us as a society to provide these basic resources (water, sanitation, information) seems so basic and yet also so radical!
Yes. I feel like the issue is this odd obsession people have with who “deserves” things or if someone might “take advantage” rather than just seeing none of that matters and everyone benefits overall. Sad that is radical, but here we are I guess