
jamaal bowman’s primary opponent george latimer is on brian lehrer right now being asked about israel and wow this is what someone sounds like when they’re bought and paid for by AIPAC
omg- Lehrer: It seems like you don’t want to distance yourself from Netanyahu in any explicit way, maybe because you’re funded by AIPAC. Latimer: That’s a typical political attack by Jamaal Bowman and his supporters.
Lehrer: You’ve been criticized for taking so much money from AIPAC, including Republicans. Are you comfortable being the Democratic darling of Republicans? Latimer: I’ve never changed a policy position based on where funding comes from. Also AIPAC supports Black Democrats.
Latimer says of his assertion monday that Bowman’s constituency is in Dearborn, MI, that the only reason brought it up because because Bowman started a PAC with Rep. Tlaib based there.
WNYC caller mentions Dearborn comment: That was really offensive to a lot of people listening. Do you want to want to make a comment on that? Latimer explains joint fundraising PAC with Tlaib. Calls it a political attack. “it’s unfounded. he created the PAC with her. not about ethnic composition.”
Latimer just sounds really angry at Bowman, which is really strange considering in a NY Mag story last month he called himself a “reluctant bride” when recruited by AIPAC to run.
Listener: I keep seeing ads saying you’re progressive, which would make sense running against a republican. But you’re not. Who are you? Latimer says some stuff about LGBTQ, electrifying the bus system, reduce polluted water as county executive. Brings up Bowman voting against infrastructure bill.
A caller asked Latimer about a comment he made comparing the treatment of former Gov. Cuomo to the lynching on Emmett Till. The caller said she was a Black constituent. It’s hard to summarize his response. Will try to get a transcript. It was absolutely deranged. This guy is dangerous.
Here is Jamaal Bowman's primary opponent George Latimer's 2021 now-deleted Facebook post comparing the treatment of then-Governor Andrew Cuomo to the lynching of Emmett Till:
New: A Black caller into the Brian Lehrer Show this morning asked George Latimer—Jamaal Bowman’s primary opponent—about a 2021 comment he made comparing Andrew Cuomo to Emmett Till & how he could support Black constituents. I've transcribed the shocking exchange.
Not for nothing and maybe this is pedantic but a mob didn’t hang Emmett Till. Two guys kidnapped and brutally murdered him in the middle of the night.
it is really a case where people think they know how terrible the story is, and then it is actually so much worse
And also the reason we remember his name is that his mother made a big deal of forcing people to see what had actually happened to him.
I didn’t see your post before saying the same thing. This is glaring.
that caller WENT IN on him for this and i loved every second of it
What is maybe most enraging about this is how Emmitt Till was lynched, but he *was not hanged*. Like, Latimet truly doesn’t care, or even know, ANYTHING about Till’s murder, but still wants to deploy his dead Black body as a shield for his lecherous old white buddy.
So wait, if he deleted the post two hours later, why does the screenshot say six days ago? 🧐
And to think, he could have just kept his mouth shut!
The verbal ratatouille that happens when people try to express racism without sounding racist, you mean?
i do not know why, during my lifetime, the Westchester County Executive seat has been exclusively filled by grimy little wackos with terminally misguided aspirations. these dweebs get paid $160k to schlep between Rye and Peekskill but they all want More™️
I remember Latimer being better than average he was County BoL before he became executive, really a shame to see what happens when he got a small bit of power
Because you’d have to be a corrupt wacko to want that job