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This is my hill and I'll die on it if I want to.
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Imagine for one second if the NYT marshaled its massive influence towards voter registration, towards supporting voting rights groups, towards encouraging people to vote and fighting people who try to stop people from voting. Imagine if the NYT actually championed participatory democracy.
After four-plus years of hearing that I’m being unreasonable and there’s nothing Joe Biden could do with the power of the presidency that would satisfy me, am I understanding correctly that “the year he was born” and “the passage of time” are rational and grownup objections to his candidacy?
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We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to Disinvite Netanyahu signed: Ehud Barak (frmr PM) Tamir Pardo (frmr dir, Mossad) Talia Sasson (frmr Israel State Atty's Office) David Harel (pres Israel Acad. of Sciences & Humanities) Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Prize, Chemistry) David Grossman (author) gift link
Opinion | We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to Disinvite We believe the prime minister is driving Israel downhill at an alarming speed, to the extent that we may eventually lose the country we love.
Talking about writing is not writing.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
I guess I’ll be donating extra to Wikipedia this year.
The foundation that owns Wikipedia said it respects the decisions of volunteer editors after receiving a letter from Jewish groups calling on the foundation to override a move by editors to declare the Anti-Defamation League an untrustworthy source on Israel & Zionism.
Wikipedia’s operator rebuffs Jewish groups’ call to override editors on ADL trustworthiness - Jewish Telegraphic More than 40 Jewish groups told the Wikimedia Foundation that the decision to label the Anti-Defamation League "unreliable" makes the Jewish community less safe.
Reposted byAvatar mrdrleland
The key point of the story of Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles - a point conveniently ignored by almost everyone - is that the synagogue in question was HOLDING AN AUCTION OF PALESTINIAN LAND. It was an event to dole out the spoils of genocide, not a religious service.
I think auctioning off violently stolen land is considerably worse than protesting the auction.
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again, it's sort of hard to overstate how bad it is for American Jews that AIPAC is bankrolling racist "Democrats," who are in almost every way Republicans, to attempt to defeat progressives of color
it's hard to explain how racist jamaal bowman's primary challenger is and how little coverage that fact has received despite the fact that he's spent more than any primary candidate IN HISTORY
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Jamaal Bowman was called antisemitic for saying Israel's claims to represent all Jews make Jews less safe. But that's not antisemitism—it's just a statement of the very, very obvious.
Of Course Israel Makes Jews Less Jamaal Bowman is getting attacked for saying that Israel claims to represent all Jews. But Israel does exactly that, all the time.
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“Our analysis clarifies what the ADL’s prominent report captures and excludes, and shows how the conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism skews the data—ultimately serving as a reminder of the need for serious statistical analysis done by an organization not beholden to Israel advocacy.”
Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism A line-by-line reassessment of the organization’s data illuminates the flaws in its methodology.
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Fun fact: the Rabbis removed the Ten Commandments out of our core liturgy (Shema &tc) bc the Jewish Christians were SOOPER into it & the Rabbis wanted to be clear that the 10 weren’t superior to the other 603 mitzvot in Torah. So we’re clear that this 👇 is Christian supremacy. & a 1A violation.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
Oh good we’re going to do finals mvp discourse this year.
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again, Biden should call a press conference where he offers Thomas $5 million to vote his way. "got it right here, folks. cash on the barrel, this is apparently how this court works"
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sam alito in tuxedo gets recorded incognito
Make a movie milder: Batman vs Good Guy.
Make a movie milder: Some Like It Luke Warm
Someone ask Stan Van Gundy about the best offensive backcourt in history.
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79 years after the Shoah, Israeli & American officials have united to defang the international community’s only venue for the prosecution of crimes against humanity like those perpetrated against the Jewish people, because the court dares to hold them accountable for the same. So depressingly effed.
AIPAC brags that the US House just passed a bill that would impose sanctions against the ICC for bringing charges of crimes against humanity/war crimes against Israeli leaders if signed into law. Per @TrackAIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby spent almost $15 million lobbying the 42 Democrats who voted yes.
Reposted byAvatar mrdrleland
as a jewish descendant of holocaust survivors who came to america as refugees & undocumented immigrants, letting israel murder as many palestinians as it wants is not what i desire as a voter. strong asylum protections & welcoming refugees, on the other hand, matter a lot to me. i hate biden so much
This morning’s email from the NYT attempts to explain why so many Mexicans are happy with their election results, as if that were not supposed to be a defining feature of a democratic election.
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I wish more Jewish community leaders would be like “this is a difficult moment for all of us, many of us are reevaluating past views and present biases, it’s ok to feel conflicted or have an opinion that doesn’t echo what you’re hearing from the bimah, no one is less Jewish because we disagree.”
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TBH I think “war criminal” is generous
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the genocide in Gaza is now horrific enough that J Street wrote the words “Palestinian liberation.” never thought I’d see the day.
J Street, a liberal pro-Israel nonprofit that has been largely supportive of Biden since Oct. 7th, just sent out an email demanding an end to the war.
Why are you all talking about that dumb motherfucker saying the same shit he's always said
Now Bill Walton will never have to see UCLA play in the big 10.
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"It is true that Netanyahu is a completely evil man, that he will say and do anything to prolong this war to avoid prison, and has little or no concern for the hostages, HOWEVER..."god the people doing this for 7 months
You don’t say.
Pro-Israel counter-protesters at UCLA previously took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across Southern California. Some of the pro-Israel counter protesters are also associated with local Proud Boy and Three Percenter militia chapters and fundamentalist Christian churches.
Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’ Gaza counter-protesters at UCLA took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across southern California, researchers say
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I don't think we should mince words here, because we all know exactly what this is: A concentration camp.
Horrific account from of the conditions of prisoners at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza.