
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
this isn’t about whether or not you personally like kamala harris. the vice presidential candidate is chosen as the one to step in if the president cannot fulfill his duties. passing her over in this moment would fundamentally change the way veeps are chosen going forward.
if harris was chosen because of optics, consider the optics of passing over the first black female vice president as the heir apparent. and optics aside, it’s simply fucked up. you don’t have to be a harris fan to see that.
Black voters have been the strongest demographic of Democratic supporters since the Civil Rights movement and doing this would likely irreparably harm that relationship for generations going forward.
You don't know half of how right you are.
Is there any polling showing that they feel like this? Going by the last few primaries Black Dems seem to be mainly into picking a nominee they think will win. Not saying you're wrong, just wondering what the evidence is
Anyone who in the year 2024 needs polling to demonstrate that setting aside a competent, qualified Black woman who is already POTUS's constitutional replacement and making her compete in a runoff would go over poorly with Black (and broader POC) voters is someone who shouldn't be taken seriously.
She is objectively not good at communicating, and widely disliked outside of core D demographic voters. If you had a crystal ball and looked into it and knew she’d lose the race, would you prefer that outcome to gambling on somebody else?
Kamala Harris had a seventeen year-long streak of election victories that only ended when she ran for POTUS in the 2020 primary.
I think the narrative "they take your vote for granted and are just pandering" must have some anticipated success or Tim Scott wouldn't be going all-in on it to try to be Trump's VP pick. Passing over Harris would really bolster that tactic.
yeah, the Democratic Party is a coalition between some very different voters, they forget! 👀
That's not just unfounded, it's absurd. There are lots of un and under represented minorities on any ticket, so should atheists (more of them than blacks as minorities go) not vote Democratic with only WASPS, Jews and Catholics? Please
Oh, so you’ve managed to make it this far in life while being completely ignorant of the last 60 years’ worth of both Civil Rights history and electoral trends, how sad for you.
The convention will be filled with Black women delegates. You don’t trust them to vote for the best candidate to beat Trump? You don’t want them to consider a governor or two or a popular senator? And THEN pick Harris if they think that is really the best way to go?
Fuck off with your fish breath, sea lion. This ain't La Jolla Shores.
I actively dislike Harris and was opposed to her being picked as VP, and it's plain as day to me that passing her over for someone else would be the single worst move the campaign could make.
I think this is well-observed. One does not have to like Harris or think she was the best choice in 2020 (or would be the best choice in 2028) to recognize that pushing her aside for another to replace Biden on the ticket would be a disaster in 2024.
Among other things, it's much easier to say, "Replace Biden, with someone other than Harris" than it is to actually name that someone else. If not Harris, who has an objective claim via being VP, then who? And why them and not another?
If the process is short-circuited by pushing Harris aside, we're basically holding a new primary, only starting four months before the general election and having shat all over the party's most reliable and dependable coalition member.
At that point, we might as well just GIVE Trump a crown. I have a RADICAL IDEA, y'all ready? STOP HAVING THIS REPLACE BIDEN DEBATE AND CIRCLE THE FUCKING WAGON! Right now, we KNOW 80 million people will be voting for Trump. How about we focus on NOT letting an autocrat dictator be given power?
And having shit all over arguably the most dependable bloc of voters the Democrats have.
i think they really need to stop fucking wishcasting, make like the GOP and get the fuck in line, is what I think. Why the double standard? Why do THEY manage to resurrect a deeply unpopular candidate that faced calls to drop out several times? Unless Biden's about to drop dead for real, staahhhp.
"You know how we act like it's fine if Arab-American & Muslim voters don't turn out for us? Yeah, the same for Blacks and women (& especially Black women)." Its-a-bold-strategy-cotton dot gif
I'm not a Harris fan, but I think she's absolutely the right choice now.
She should get ahead of the "concerned" parties trying to out Biden and name HER VP pick should she be called on to replace him. Then dare them to contradict her.
i've been assuming that since 1901 they've been assassination-proofing to prevent another teddy roosevelt "suddenly the white house is tangibly less business-friendly" situation
What about my plan though
In my Amazing Primary Race, teams of two Democratic candidates would race across America, learning about our great country along the way through a series of adventures, with the first team to reach Washington DC declared the party's presidential ticket.
Dems, I look at it this way, our choices are: 1. Biden 2. Harris 3. 34x Convicted Felon 4. Some dream-Dem w/no campaign war chest, no state infrastructure, no existing polling numbers against YKW, etc. What's our best play, here? C'mon.
Running for re-election is not a duty of the president. That is the president as the leader of his political party which is different. I am all for Harris if that’s what the Party decides. But if Jim Clyburn says he likes the idea of a “mini-primary” I’m going to defer to him.
so a democracy at the whim of jim clyburn
Do people even hear themselves right now? What??
He did a good job in 2020. And if he were saying that “it has to be Harris, only Harris,” would you be bothered?
is this jim clyburn’s burner? his clyburner?
Ok, the "clyburner" deserves special notice.
This person has spent most of the weekend sealioning people on this subject, don’t bother.
I wish. Then I would actually have some influence over things. No, just a partisan and an observer of the human pageantry that is politics
No, but if this president and this vice president were chosen to run for reelection, and he can no longer fulfill the choice, there should be no issue with her being the choice. She was the voted choice!
No she wasn’t. She is the VP because Biden chose her. She never won a single vote on her own. What is more important? Winning or honoring some imaginary line of succession. She would be very well positioned to win at the convention but it should be a contest. I want this bc I want to win in Nov.
If you want to win in November there is every single imaginable reason to think you do not want 3 days of Democrats in a giant stadium n-way brawling over who the nominee should be after a month of media spectacle.
Like I’m really sorry this isn’t gonna be the exciting made for TV election that pundits can fill column inches with. Fighting fascism is gonna be really boring. Fighting is 99% boredom and 1% terror. But it’s not a reason to Leroy Jenkins the primary process at the last moment
We can’t have primaries because our candidate either lied us about his condition or has deteriorated significantly in the last six months.
We are fighting fascism but we are incapable of having a convention in which 4700 delegates from 50 state parties consider their options and vote for the best person to win against the fascist. Why would anyone vote for such a useless party?!
I don’t understand why it must be a brawl. Does everyone not see the danger? Haven’t we all been talking for months and months how fucking dangerous Trump is? But when it comes to selecting the best nominee and rallying behind that person — oh no that would never work we are not a functional party
We are a functional party god willing and that is why this isn’t going to happen. Because functional parties don’t do this. We have had a primary. Any eligible Democrats were free to run. Many did and the people chose.