
And this is why they do it. Cause it’s juuuuuust enough that people like you will come out and gaslight to defend it. The entire strategy of containing actual leftward political growth in a nutshell
Yeah man, pointing out that processes exist is why the empire is going to fall. It me, destroying the country by pointing out that DADT was an incremental improvement in policy. Truly a powerful political killing stroke, commenting on the politics of thirty years ago. You’re a fucking idiot.
This isn’t gaslighting, gaslighting can’t be done in five minutes by a stranger. I’m not defending it; I’m saying it’s an improvement. Which is the better option: You can be discharged for someone thinking you’re gay Nobody can investigate if you’re gay
how was DADT actually implemented, and why were soldiers relieved the day it was finally repealed? you sound like a liberal trying to argue against defunding the police right now
No I don’t. I sound like someone arguing that the Civil Rights Act was good even though it didn’t solve racism. I’m a communist. I believe phobes should be shot in the street. I just also don’t understand the world though moralism, and I understand progress happens in fits and starts.