😷Mark Dixon

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😷Mark Dixon


Filmmaker, photographer, environmental activist, runner. Working to clean the air and end fossil fuels. I don't have long COVID but support those who do. #covidisntover #maskup #airquality #climate lens.blue
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BREAKING: Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass says she is discussing a mask ban for protests with the City Attorney. Source: youtu.be/5R6krNYXnZI?...
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Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? Telling everyone that our little book is getting recognition? Okay, guess what everybody . . .
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UPDATE: Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed North Carolina's anti-mask bill. The bill now heads back to the state legislature, where the Republicans will likely use their supermajority to override the veto next week. Source: governor.nc.gov/news/press-r...
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Book math: 50% off means that you can buy twice as many books. 📚📚 If you haven't picked up a copy of Millions of Suns yet...or you have been meaning to get one for a writer or artist in your life, now's a pretty great time to do that! press.umich.edu/Books/M/Mill...
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Important crowdfunding campaign here! Please support @violetblue.bsky.social to finish this book on how to stay safe from COVID. The virus hasn’t gone away and is still harming people but most people don’t even know what tools we have to keep it at bay. Please give a few dollars & help save lives
The Kickstarter campaign has launched! It's all or nothing for us -- find out what's in the book, who's collaborating, and pre-order a copy of The Covid Sanity Handbook here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/vio...
Coming soon: The Covid Sanity Handbookwww.kickstarter.com Staying Safe In An Unsafe World
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Biobot has removed its covid wastewater dashboard and will no longer show covid wastewater data for the US. ~3 weeks after CDC stopped covid hospitalization data. The page now: biobot.io/data/covid-19 Surprise announcement: biobot.io/from-raw-dat... #datablackout
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When will we get a #CleanAir act in the USA?
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Updated with two hot items: WHO released a (useful!) model for covid airborne transmission risk assessment by experts in the field, and launched "CoViNet: a global network for coronaviruses" Links at the top here: www.patreon.com/posts/pandem...
Pandemic Roundup: March 28, 2024 | Violet Bluewww.patreon.com Get more from Violet Blue on Patreon
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Gonna be real hard to build trust in public health if the media keeps doing stuff like this:
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When weakening their COVID guidelines, one of the main justifications the CDC used is that the number of people with Long COVID is 'decreasing.' In reality, the CDC's *own data* shows an alarming increase Long COVID in recent months.
‘Alarming’ rise in Americans with long Covid symptomswww.theguardian.com CDC data shows nearly 18m people could be living with long Covid even as health agency relaxes isolation recommendations
😍‼️Anybody else just loving the coverage of long COVID on Science Friday today? Bravo to Ira Flatow and his whole team. This segment is a great summary to send to family and friends, too. With a big brand behind it. www.sciencefriday.com/segments/4th...
What We Know After 4 Years Of COVID-19www.sciencefriday.com Four years ago this week, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Experts say it’s far from over.
Melanie Meade, featured in the Inversion Documentary trailer (my latest film project), and a tireless advocate for clean air in her hometown of Clairton, PA, recently suffered the tragic loss of her son. Please consider supporting her family in this time of need: www.gofundme.com/f/melanie-me...
Melanie Meade's son, organized by Nicole Fabricantwww.gofundme.com We are raising money for Melanie Meade, our dear friend and comrade who suddenly lost her son Rob… Nicole Fabricant needs your support for Melanie Meade's son
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‘@zalaly is a physician scientist devoted to studying #LongCOVID since early patient reports about the condition - even before the term was coined. He testified before the U.S. Senate as an expert witness on LC and has published extensively on this topic.’ theconversation.com/mounting-res...
Growing body of research confirms: ‘COVID-19 should be considered a virus with a significant impact on the brain. Implications far-reaching, from individuals experiencing cognitive struggles to the potential impact on populations and the economy.’ @zalaly theconversation.com/mounting-res...
Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including with significant drops in IQ scorestheconversation.com Two new high-profile studies add to the increasingly worrisome picture of how even mild cases of COVID-19 can have detrimental effects on brain health.
Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including with significant drops in IQ scorestheconversation.com Two new high-profile studies add to the increasingly worrisome picture of how even mild cases of COVID-19 can have detrimental effects on brain health.
When people without known vulnerabilities to COVID never mask, they force those who DO have known vulnerabilities to mask alone -- further compounding their vulnerabilities because it forces them to publicly REVEAL their vulnerability. Please help normalize masking.
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For all those seeking black N95 masks, I recently stumbled across these BNX models. Fully NIOSH certified N95 respirators. Very black. #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp bnx.com/products/n95...
Hey there #COVIDisNotOver friends. My wife @mchristinebd.bsky.social and I put our heads together and made a flier about basic COVID-19 precautions - particularly for small events/gatherings. All the icons and entire flier are CC0/public domain/free to use: bit.ly/lesscovid 1/2
Hey, #CovidIsNotOver friends and activists! My talented wife (@mchristinebd.bsky.social) just created public domain clip art for a quality N95 mask and uploaded them to Wikimedia commons for anybody to use. Enjoy! 🧵 commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:N9...
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New polls again show white people are far less likely to take COVID precautions. Percentage who say they are wearing a mask: Black 59% Hispanic 47% White 17% Percentage who say they are taking any precautions: Black 72% Hispanic 68% White 39% Source: kff.org/coronavirus-...
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The Senate just passed a reckless amendment to ban mask mandates on public transportation for 2024. Shamefully, 10 Democrats voted in favor of a ban: Baldwin (D-WI) Bennet (D-CO) Brown (D-OH) Kaine (D-VA) Kelly (D-AZ) Klobuchar (D-MN) Manchin (D-WV) Rosen (D-NV) Shaheen (D-NH) Tester (D-MT)
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Reminder that I have a covid safety and prevention resource list here, including what to do if you're exposed or test positive: www.patreon.com/posts/huge-f... (always free, no signup needed)
Huge, FREE covid safety resource list | Violet Bluewww.patreon.com Get more from Violet Blue on Patreon
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Honored to see my FREE Covid Safety Resource List on this incredible #covid information and resources page by COVID Toolbox! Thank you @covidtoolbox.bsky.social! Check it out, everyone: covidtoolbox.com/resources/
Resources – Covid Toolboxcovidtoolbox.com
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A headline stated it quite plainly “Long COVID is real. Now the evidence is piling up.” and while it is encouraging to see such serious coverage how unfortunate it is that we waited until the bodies and the ruined lives had piled up before paying attention.
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No, So The Reason That Governments Are Giving Out Free Tests And Bringing Forward Boosters And Reintroducing Masks In Healthcare Is BECAUSE Covid Is Over.