
Got an email asking me to speak at a convention and the email's section on COVID policy said no vax required but they "expect all attendees to be in good health" ??? and "masks are not required but admired" and I just....??? Feeling like it will be forever impossible to attend a con again rn.
Also if you did show your vax proof you'd get a special badge ribbon as a pat on the head I guess 😭😭 Like I and others like myself will continue to be excluded from society while event organizers are being cheeky about how they are not taking any safety precautions.
It's pretty awful! At this point I'm resigned to never going to a convention again, which is really sad but unfortunately true.
So unserious. That’s not even a policy, just lose suggestions 🙃
Like I get that it's almost impossible to prove anyone's vaxxed at the door anymore because our government ceased the use of the vax cards BUT the rest of it is like....all based on vibes I guess? Like THERE ARE WAYS you can do this safely, guys!
Yep, I’ve heard about events who’ve had success with enforcing masking and other safety protocols like testing (and attendees complied!) so it’s not impossible!! Clearly most just don’t want to try.
I throw one big party a year, and after the introduction of the vax I implemented a vaccine and test requirement for all attendees, and it's been fine! Guests have been cool with it, &, so far, it's worked to keep the party virus-free. Event hosts who won't even do that bare minimum obv don't care 🤷